Chapter 4- Left Wanting

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Chapter 4

Left Wanting

August Griffin

School was over.


I practically ran out the building. I pulled it my phone, walking to my car. I went to my contacts and called April.

It rung. Once. Twice. Thrice.

Please leave your message for 347- 353 - 3823.

I cut it off and called back. It took the times before she picked up.

"What?" She yelled into the phone.

"Excuse me. You better hurry up before I leave you here" I said as loudly.

"Sorry. Coach made us do extra time for coming into class late. I'm coming"

"Quickly, I hope" I said and then hung up.

I leaned against my car, waiting for April. I saw her jogging towards the car so, I went around the car and got in. Starting the car, I began to move just as she reached me. Being the big brother I was, of course.

"August!" She yelled.

I stopped. As she reached for the door handle, I was off again. I saw her stomp her feet in the rearview mirror. Man, this gets funnier every time. After fond this about three more times, I let her in.

She pouted, as she sat down.

I ruffled her hair.

"Next time, don't be late" l said.

She grumbled.

"What was that?" I questioned.

"I can't wait till I get a car" she repeated louder.

"You need a licence first. And since you're still working on that, don't be late"

She turned away from me, making me laugh.

In about twenty minutes, we were home.

I pulled into the eight car garage and stopped the car before stepping out. April followed in suit.

She stomped her way into the house. I chuckled at how childish she was being. I also went inside. The door lead into the back of the house.

To say my house was huge was understatement.

Not that I was bragging. I hated this place. It felt more like a workplace then a home.

There were 3 guest rooms, each with their own bathroom. I had one, April had one and my parents had separate ones. Making it seven in total. There were three bathrooms, excluding the ones in the rooms. Two had a bath. There was a library and two offices. There was a playroom and a game room. Whatever the difference was.

Regardless of my hatred for it, I still lived here. It wasn't that I was ungrateful. It was get that my parents loved to show off and that made me hate this beautiful house.

I walked up a flight of stairs to get to my room, the last one down the hall.

I entered. My room was, well, it was gloomy.

The walls were white, eggshell really. My bed had a black headboard. I had blue sheets and comforter. The bookshelves were all navy blue. Yeah, I was a simple person.

One of my shelves was full of pictures.

My favorite was the one of Kai, April and I at Kai's seventh birthday. He was sitting in front of the cake. I was to the left, and April was on the right.

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