Chapter 26- Ayúdame

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Chapter 26


August Griffin

I jolted in my seat slightly, forcing myself to stay awake. I set my eyes on the whiteboard and tried to focus on the words on it. I had been up all night with April as she ranted about her problems with my gender. Apparently,  I was at fault too. The conversation dragged on forever. I was finally about to escape when one of her friends called three hours later.

"Okay, starting tomorrow we will only be speaking Spanish in this class in order to practice for the speaking part of the Spanish 'Regents'. I know that you will still talk amongst yourselves in English but to talk to me or the class, Spanish only." Mr. Ullman, my Spanish 3 teacher, said.

The class let out sighs of depression.

"Don't cheer yet, " he said, "And we going to do a partner project presentation. You and your partner will be give a topic at random and have to hold a conversation about it.

There is an odd number of you so there will be one group of three. I'll have all your groups by tomorrow. Ill probably email it so check tomorrow morning. It'll be there by Sunday, the latest." He finished talking just as the bell rang.

Almost everyone shot out of their seats and hurried out of the class.

"Leaving in a rush doesn't change the fact that you have a project!" Mr Ullman yelled as the students ran past him.

I was one of the last people to leave being as I was barely awake.

Thankfully I only have one class left and practice was cancelled because Coach had an emergency. There was a game in a week so we were expected to practice on our own but I was too tired to do anything at this point.

I found my seat in the last class of the day and waited for the period to end. When the final bell rang, I found the energy to leave my seat quickly. I headed out of the building. The hallways were filled with posters and flyers about the most recent upcoming dance. It was quite annoying how much of them we had. Student officials stood around advertising to everyone and anyone that would listen.

I let out a breath of relief when I made it out without being stopped. My car wasn't too far. April had practice today so she had a ride home. I pulled my car keys out of my jacket pocket.

As I unlocked the door, I spotted Kai in the distance. He was sitting on the bench near the parking lot. It was his usual seat, he waited for his dad there everyday. He had his headphones in and was looking around.

Just get in the car and get some sleep at home, my brain argued as I started moving towards where Kai was. I just wanted to ask if he was okay then I'd leave. I would be home in no time.

"Hey." I said as I approached the bench.

Kaiser looked up from his phone and gave me a small smile before waving. I invited myself to the seat next to him. We sat there in silence. While it was nothing new as far as our interactions went, it felt different this time. Quieter than usual. I played with my hands, sneaking a peek at my watch even now and then.

After five minutes, I looked over at Kai who was doing all he could to avoid my gaze. I slowly and gently put my hand on his shoulder, making him look over to me. I waited to see if he was okay before completely resting my hand.

While I had his attention, I asked, "Are you okay?"

He frowned a little before nodding and looking away. I raised an eyebrow. What was that? It seemed like disappointment. But why would I be disappointed? Because I asked him if he was okay? Before I could question him, his dad pulled up. He said hello to me and I returned the greeting. Kai practically ran to the car. At least I knew that something had happened.

I waved the car off before heading back to my own. I opened the door since I had left it unlocked. It wasn't the greatest idea but it also wasn't on purpose. I got in and finally started I making my way home.

Before I could start the car, my phone rang. I looked at the caller id, it was April. As much as I wanted to hang up, I found myself answering the phone.

"Hello?" I said tiredly.

"August, are you still at the school?" She asked, her voice low and shaky.

I sat up in the car seat, going into protective brother mood.

"What happened?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"Nothing. I'm fine." She tried to say but her voice broke in the middle of the sentence.

I got out of the car, leaving my bag inside and closing the door. I headed back into the building.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"The locker room. Third floor." She said so softly that I had to ask her to repeat it.

"I'll be there in two minutes."

"Okay. Don't hang up." She said.

I nodded and said okay after remembering that she couldn't see me. What the fuck was going on?

I skipped up the stairs, not wanting to waste time. I walked past the boys locker room and walked straight into the girls. A teacher yelled at me to stop but I didn't. It was empty except for April. I looked between each row of lockers. When I didn't see her there, I went to the showers.

I found her sitting on the floor near the showers in her towel. Her wet hair was laid on her shoulder and her eyes were red. She looked up at me when she heard me enter. She held back a sob. I want next to her.

"What happened?"

"Nothing," she insisted, "I just need clothes and a ride home."

"April, I'm being serious. Tell me what happened."

She look me in the eye and said, "So am I."

"What the hell is going on in here?" A voice shouted from behind me.

I turned around and saw one of the coaches. Softball, I think. She surveyed the room, her eyes softening when she saw April on the floor. It was a pitiful sight Id I was being honest. Her eyes red from crying, her hair knotted up and her sitting on the dirty bathroom floor in nothing more than a towel.

I looked back at April. She gave me pleading eyes, those please just leave it alone eyes.

"Sorry. My sister just locked her clothes in her locker. She called me to get her some but I didn't bring any. Do you know where we could get some?" I asked, my voice low.

She nodded slowly.

"I don't have the lock clippers but there is some clothes in the lost and found."

I smiled and thanked her as she went to go get the clothes. April gave me a thankful look. I have her one back. One that said that this wasn't over.


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