New Greenie!

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3 AN: Hallais! It means hello — sort of. Either way, I just wanted to clarify that I do not own any of the characters, except for Emily. Also, this story will most likely not go exactly how the book and movie are written/scripted, but it will be a mix between those two with a hint of my imagination. I'm also guessing that most of you are ignoring this AN, and I do not blame you. Have a good evening, and continue the story:

Emily's P.O.V.

Today is the day! Today is the day a new Greenie will arrive! Yes! From this day, I won't be a Newbie anymore — something that means that Alby can finally stop calling me the Greenie of the Glade.

Speaking of that shank, we finally met in an agreement about whether I should or should not run inside the Maze. And after acting like politicians and debating for a while, we compromised to a deal: I will be the one running inside the Maze to find some possible clues that can get us out of this place. If Alby hadn't been such a chicken, he— okay, we both agreed that there must at least be one person inside the Glade to tend the animals, build the place up, and watch out for something that may happen while we're gone.

But that doesn't change the fact that Alby is still a chicken... and the other fact that I am the only one who is qualified for the job since I have a photographic memory and can't get lost. But still, that shuck-face is a coward.

Furthermore, we have also developed a little tradition due to my new job. Alby will bid us his goodbye before I run into the unknown. 'Be careful, stay alive, don't talk to strangers and have a safe run' is what he says before I run into the unknown. It's a nice and funny ritual, and due to this new job, we also had to rewrite the third and most important rule:

Rule number 3. Do not go into the maze unless you are a Runner.

Guess which fabulous Glader made that rule? Ha, I'm such a genius — not only did I invent the job, but the name too!

Oh, god... I have been hanging out too much with Alby, haven't I? Damn, I seriously need to find a way out of here — and that fast!

Okay, let's not get off tracks here — the Greenie, yes, well, considering that the Box is sending up a person today, I received a day off from running because Alby wants me to greet the Newbie. He said, and I quote, 'You have this friendly, non-threatening aura around you. Either that or you just look less threatening — as long as you're not mad.' 

I'm not sure what that shank is on about, but I never thought of Alby as a scary guy — I mean, sure, when he's angry he can be a bit eerie, but when you really get to know him, you will find that he's nothing more than an empty-headed, stupid, shuck-faced shuck with an IQ lower than his dignity.

He's far from dangerous, just like he is far from smart. His stupidity is so high that he could probably expedite the Doomsday before God even got the chance to wave us goodbye.

Wait, no, I take that back — if you're beyond this stupid, then you're dangerous. Damn, this means that Alby is dangerous — or, it's more like his stupidity is dangerous.

In other words: I'm very excited to meet the Greenie!

Another thing that happened this month, is that I became the Medjack of the Glade until another skilled shank joins the club. A Medjack is what we call a doctor, and there is without any doubt that we are far from being any kind of doctor - Alby more than me - but we somehow manage.

I didn't really think that we would need one, but apparently, Alby's stupidity is much more dangerous than I thought it was.
You see, this shuck-face was such a genius and somehow managed to cut his entire leg. I do not understand how it's even possible because the only thing he did was 'cooking'. He told me that he was only 'cutting vegetables' when the knife slipped out of his hand and cut his leg.

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now