New Greenie!

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14 AN: I'm going to time skip, because, well I want to. Enjoy the damn chapter:

Emily's P.O.V.

It's been five months since Newt woke up. Although the first weeks were awkward and hard, we managed to, slowly but sure, get back to our old routine. Unfortunately for Newt, he had to learn how to walk all over again. The first tries failed, but he has gotten so much better at it now. He might be limping, but it's not holding him back from doing his job as a Track-hoe and Second-In-Command.

Throughout those five months, Alby's and Newt's roles in the Glade have begun to grow on them. Hence why these two shanks have become bossier than ever before (as if Alby wasn't bossy enough). I personally have not felt the same due to the fact that I am just too busy in the Maze and barely in the Glade.

Oh, and we also received five new Greenies and they all have one X and one Y chromosome. Yeah, it means that they're all shucking boys for shuck's sake. And I also have been given the job to welcome these Newbies because Alby believes it's for the best that I do it instead of these shanks.

I'll translate the real reasoning behind Albert's words: I am, as Minho has stated before, "not as ugly as the rest of the Gladers to scare the shuckfaces away". He's very good at complimenting people as you can see.

Lately, Minho and I have gotten closer, which I assume is because we're runner partners and run together most of the time. Despite the time we spend together, I enjoy that shank's company. We always end up being surrounded by laughter one way or another. There's something great about him that makes me feel at home. I wouldn't have been surprised if we knew each other before we were sent up here.

Am I crazy for saying these things? For thinking like this?

I guess it doesn't matter because I've always been crazy. Now you have to excuse me because I'm going to welcome the new Greenbean who is arriving soon.

I was sitting close to the Box, trying to ignore the Newbie Alarm. I swear, it's the most annoying thing ever! Well, after Minho, of course. The Runners had a day off today due to the fact that a new Greenbean was showing up. It's also worth mentioning that we found someone who could replace Newt's old running job. His name is Ben, and both Minho and I had to fight for him to become a Runner due to Alby. The Leader was not eager to send a new one in the Maze, but unfortunately for him, Minho and I were excellent debaters.

So yeah, Ben, my new friend, is now a Runner and can even run on his own.

"Ey, shuck-face!" The voice that belonged to Minho yelled.

"Hey, shank!" I replied back, watching how Minho and Ben reached me. "Something you want, Your Highness?"

"You know, one day your sarcasm will be your downfall," Minho said as he looked down at my sitting figure.

"You know, you often bring a lot of joy into the room... when you're leaving," Ben began laughing, attracting the attention of the other Gladers who often enjoyed listening to the 'sassy-fights' (as they call them) that Minho and I had.

"This would be an excellent time for you to become a missing person."

"Shut up, you'll never be the man your mother is." This triggered some 'Oooh's.

"Well, you can just..." He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times. "Oh, shut up!"

Game over, loser.

"And that's why you do not mess with the Queen of Sass!" Newt declared, still chuckling and giving me a high-five.

"Whatever, shuckface," Minho was annoyed, which I found amusing.

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now