Another Greenie!

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6 AN: Again, sorry for my awful grammar and poor choice of words. It's not my first language. Please, continue the story, peasants:

Emily's P.O.V.

I. Am. Tired. Of. This. Damn. Shucking. Shank.

'Who?' You might ask, and let me tell you 'who' I'm talking about. This Brit named Newt.

He just wouldn't shut up— 'Can I go into the Maze?', 'Can I go now?', 'What about now?', 'Emily, I am ready for the Maze!', 'Please, can I go to the Maze now?'

He still needs some training, but when he won't shut the shuck up, I finally decided to let him out into the damn Maze. You should think that he would stop his whining by now, but no. Through the entire run, he would not shut up about how tired he was.

But despite his whining, he's fast, I'll admit that. And considering that Newt doesn't have a mind like mine, he uses a notebook and a pen to memorize the Maze.

Although he used more time to write down the information, I couldn't lie about the fact that Newt was not good at this. He was excellent.

I'll never admit that out loud though.

So, after a long, threatening argument with Alby, we finally made Newt an official Runner. And now we have two Runners, which is a good thing because the Brit and I can take turns running in the Maze.

Speaking of that labyrinth, we have still not found a way out. But it's only the beginning, I guess. We'll find an escape. Eventually. Hopefully.

Furthermore, I also found out how I look like. After dwelling on the question about whether I should ask or not, I finally found my courage.

"How do I look like?" I asked out loud, looking at both Newt and Alby who shrugged their shoulders.

"Well," the Brit started, "You're a girl."

"Wow, I had no idea. Thank you, shuck-face."

"You got longer hair than us," Alby continued, making me give him a look that doubted his intelligence. "It's brown — but you probably knew that."

"And two eyes — they're green, by the way," okay, at least there was some kind of information I didn't know. "You also got a nose, some lips, two ears — basically a face."

"You guys are terrible at this," I shook my head, averting my attention back to my lunch.

"Hey, wait, hold on, we can do better than this," Alby protested, looking at me again. "You've also become tan lately, and... that's about it."

I wished we had a mirror in the Glade.

Suddenly, Newt coughed in his fist, catching my attention. "So, what about us? How do we look?"

My eyes narrowed in a thin line, and I looked at them for a long time. "Like shuck-faces."

The next day wasn't just any day. No, far from it. I'll give you guys a hint: Newt and I were not running today.

And you know what that means?


This time, it must be a girl! I need a female friend because it's getting a bit too lonely. I mean, do you think it's fun to be the only girl in the Glade? The only one.

The Creators can't just send up one girl, right? Right?

"Come on, Greenbean!" I yelled across the Glade, aiming my words at Newt who rolled his brown eyes.

"I'm not the Greenie anymore!" He replied, annoyance lacing his words.

"Of course, you are — until the new Greenie is here, you're still the Greenbean," Alby clapped Newt's back, giving him a smile that the Brit rolled his eyes at.

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt