You Better Explain Shuck-Face

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13 AN: Sorry for the godawful English and my stupid grammar mistakes. Know that I am trying my best though. Continue the story:

Emily's P.O.V.

It has been exactly two days since the incident with Newt. Just like George's death, it's been awfully silent in the Glade. No one can really ignore the fact that one of our friends tried to commit suicide.

And in those two days where Newt has been in a coma, I have been glued to his side all the time. Well, except for that time Minho forced me out to get some fresh air, but either than that, I've been here with the Brit. Although everyone has taken turns in visiting Newt, Alby seems to have the biggest difficulty to be near him. I don't blame Alby. After all, we react differently to painful situations.

As I sat down in the chair next to Newt's bed, I wondered how I was going to break the news to him. How do you tell your close friend that he won't be able to walk like he used to? That he can't be a Runner anymore? That his foot is gonna cause him pain in the future?

But most importantly, I wondered why he would do this? Why? I know that the Glade isn't ideal and that it's shucked up, but we have each other. We're going through this together. Isn't that enough? Why didn't he come to us about his struggles? I would've done anything in my power to help him and hold him and just be with him.

I would never have let him go if I knew he would end up like this.

"Emily?" A groan broke my train of thoughts, snapping my attention Newt who was adjusting his eyes to the light outside. It wasn't before he looked at my emotionless face that his orbs widened in realization. "Am I—"

"Dead?" I snorted humorlessly, almost angrily. "If you were, I guess we can officially call this place hell."

"Why am I not dead?" He raged. "Why would you save me? You've ruined everything!"

"You're awful at saying thank you, you know?"

He scoffed, breathing angrily through his nose as he shook in raw rage. "You should've let me die, Em. You should've let me do what I had intended to do."

There was a long moment of silence. A moment of emptiness.

"Why, Newt?" I asked, not looking at him anymore. "Just why did you try and kill yourself?"

"I'm tired of this bloody place, Emily. I'm tired. We ran that shucking Maze almost every day, and what did we find? Nothing. What clues did we find? Zero—"

"So, just because we haven't found anything yet, it means that we should just give up?" I cut him off, breathing angrily.

He stared at me with a hard gaze, "How close are we to an escape, Emily? Tell me, how close are we to find this bloody escape that you always talk about?"

"It's there, Newt. It's out there—" I was on my feet by now. "Whether you like it or not, but our only escape is through that shucking Maze—"

"No, it's not, Emily! The only escape is through death! That's why I tried to kill myself! I want to get out, and the only way to do that is by suicide," tears fell from his eyes like a waterfall, soaking his cheeks as he sobbed and hiccuped. "I can't do it anymore, Emily. I just can't. I'm not strong enough."

There and then, I hugged him and held him close to me. I had learned from my mistakes, and I would not let him go. No matter how much he begged and asked for it.

"Just because we haven't found it yet, doesn't mean it's not there," I whispered as I stroked his hair, holding tightly around him. "You're no coward, Newt. Far from it. After all, it takes guts to do what you were trying to do. I'm not praising you for it — no way in hell." I broke away from the hug to look him in the eyes, "I know you don't think that you can do it, but you're stronger than you think. And if you can't see that, I will be by your side and open your eyes so you can see what I see."

"But they won't let us out—"

"Newt, do you really believe that the Creators want to see us grow old? Do you really think that this is some sort of reality show that they enjoy watching? I mean, look at us; we're boring as hell," there was a small smile on his lips. The gleam might have had a short life, but it was a huge achievement. "We're getting out of here, I promise you that. I will, no matter what, I will find a way out of this shucking place. As long as I'm living, I won't stop looking for an escape out of the Maze."

Hope gives strength and courage, and it saves an otherwise dying man from his grave. Newt had lost his hope, but I was determined to find his faith again.

"Hey, who are you talking to—" Minho's words died mid-sentence when he saw the Brit. "Newt? You're awake?"

"Hi, Minho," he gave him a small smile before he was attacked in a hug by the Runner.

"Emily, you need to—" Another voice started but was cut shortly off upon the sight. Alby stood by the doorframe and stared for a moment before he ran to Newt and hugged him. "You shucking shank. Why did you do it?"

Newt looked down, avoiding their gazes.

"You better explain shuckface." Minho said impatiently.

And so he told them the truth.

There was a moment of silence where everyone had to process every word and every emotion. It was too much to handle, and yet, we had to take it all.

"You are a lucky shank that Emily found you when she did, and that she and Clint saved you," Alby broke the ice, his voice lacing what sounded like a throbbing heart.

Newt nodded, neither agreeing or disagreeing with his statement. "What exactly happened?" He asked the question I dreaded to answer.

Alby and Minho glanced at me, making me avert my attention to the window instead. Shuck.


I found his orbs, "When you jumped, the vine got a hold of your foot. Although Clint and I managed to fix most of it, it's a severe injury."

"What do you mean?"

"Your foot, Newt, it was twisted in an angle it shouldn't be in. You lost so much blood I wondered if you would die of blood loss. I even considered amputating your food goddammit." I stopped myself from sharing more details than necessary. "Newt, I'm sorry, but your life as a Runner is over."

"No..." He weakly shook his head, a sense of regret filling him. "Won't it heal over time?"

"It's permanent damage. You won't be able to walk like you used to, I'm sorry. I wished there was more I could have done for you Newt. I really do, believe me."

Scared and hopeful, Newt lifted the blanket and tried moving his toes only to flinch in pain.

"You shouldn't try to move," Minho said a little bit too late.

"I can't believe it..." The Brit murmured, gazing us with wet eyes. "I'm sorry that I put you through this. And I'm sorry Emily for yelling at you."

"You're alive and that's the only thing that matters right now," I patted his shoulder, watching how he could not tear his gaze away from his bandaged limb.

"We better let you rest now. You seem to need it." Alby spoke and made everyone get out to give Newt some time alone to reflect and process the news.

"Do you think he will be okay?" I asked Minho, casting a glance at the Medjack's hut once more.

"Yeah," he whispered. "He will be okay, Em, because he has us now."

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now