Is This A Dream?

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35 AN: Don't read the authors note, idiot! Go and read the story! God, I have to practically tell my readers to skip the AN. How weird... Continue and Enjoy:

Emily's P.O.V.

I was still dragged deeper into the woods if you wondered. But I didn't feel so scared. Yes, I was terrified, but not like the other times. I felt like I knew this touch that sent electricity through my body. But right now, I didn't give a crap about this tingly feeling. Right now, I was more focused to get the hell away from this person.

I tried to kick and hit him (since I'm pretty sure there isn't other girls here than me... Yet.), but it didn't work. Finally, the person pushed my back carefully and gently to a three, and I could see the shank who kidnapped me. I was shocked but kinda prepared to see that it was no other than the hella good hair of runner, Minho. I stopped screaming and struggling and looked at him with confusion.

"Are you gonna scream?" He asked with a smirk. I gave him a 'are-you-shucking-serious?-look.' He then took his hand away from my mouth and I was still pissed at him for scaring the shit out from me.

"Ugh, your hand tastes awful." I said, and made him roll his eyes.

"Is that what you say to all your kidnappers?" He asked still smirking.

"Only those who actually has a disgusting taste of hand." I retorted and made him roll his eyes at me. I began struggling, but he had an iron grip around my waist.

"Yeah, you need to work out." Minho said looking amused at the struggling me.

"Pfft! Shut up, and let me go so I can kick your sorry ass for kidnapping me." I said and still tried to pry his hand around my waist. "And by the way. Why the shuck did you kidnap me for?!"

"That, shuck-face. Is an interesting question," he teased me. "Come on, I need to show you something." And with that, he let go of my waist and took my hand instead. I felt electricity shoot up in my body as he held my hand.

"You know," I started and made him look at me. "If you wanted to show me something, then why the hell didn't you just ask me?"

"I wanted to do something special." He answered simple.

"Yeah, because being kidnapped twice and dragged into the woods isn't special enough," I muttered, but he heard me.

"It's a surprise, shuck-face." He said rolling his eyes. "You should be grateful!"

"Grateful to be kidnapped?"

"Okay, I didn't even kidnap you. You're coming with me almost willingly!" He defended himself, and I just laughed at his stupidness. He smiled at me, and we just walked in comfortable silence.

Finally, we reached our destination, and it were beautiful. In the sky there was beautiful stars, and in front of us, it was decorated with picnic. It was a little open place deep into the woods, and you could see the sky and trees perfectly fine. It was all breath-taking.

"It's so beautiful," I finally manage to say and looked at Minho who were still looking at me and smirked.

"I know," he said still not looking at beautiful scene.

"You aren't even looking at it!" I pointed at the sky.

"I'm not talking about the sky." He said and smirked. I blushed and looked down. Did he just? Minho then just laughed, and lifted my chin up. "You look cute when you blush." I of course as a human being, blushed deeper and made him laugh.

"Shut up," I muttered and he just laughed at me.

"Come on. Let's eat!" He said taking my hand and pulled me down to sit next to him. There was food, flowers and it was really beautiful decorated. My favorite flowers were there, and favorite food. This was too good for him to do... Too good.

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now