The Epic-Logue

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52 AN: I have decided to have an epic-logue, so you can see how their lives is after they escaped. Continue & Enjoy:

Emily's P.O.V.

It has been 8 years since me and the gladers escaped the glade. It has been 8 years since we found the cure for the stupid disease called the Flare. And I'm still shocked that this El Diablo Devil-Bacon was the sure for the Flare. HOW?! I will never understand scientists...

Anyways. The world is back to what it was before the Flare came. Everyone is saved and it took a while, but we build up everything from the bottom. And then WICKED was sued, and we gladers who survived, got replacement by billions of dollars. So all of the gladers, me included, are billionaires. Everyone who worked in WICKED got a lifetime in prison, and those fallen gladers got a real funeral. Also, everyone who was in the glade, dead or alive, has been made statues of. To remember that we are heroes and saved the world. Even though it was a shucking EDDB who was the goddamn cure! I STILL DON'T GET IT!?

The presidents, queens, kings and all that leader people. They came and gave all of the survived gladers, medals, and an apology. Puh! Like an apology will do anything! But it was cool to meet Obama, and the queen of England. Chuck fangirled over that one. He asked for a photo, autograph, and told her about the dress-up-thing, and how he was dressed up like her... Let's just say... The queen felt uncomfortable at the end...

But they all said that us gladers made history, and that children would learn about us in school. So that was really cool. People will learn that I was the most awesome person in the shucking glade. And that I bet Minho in most of our sassy-fights. This will learn children how to be sassy. It's kinda a good thing... I think?

Also, Minho and I are still together. We're actually engaged. But Teresa and Thomas on the other hand... Broke up. They didn't work together. Thomas found another girl, Brenda, and they're actually married. I think they're really cute together, and it was for the good that Thomas and Teresa broke up. Because, as I said, they didn't work out. Also I've become best-friends with Brenda. She. Is. Awesome. I love her. She is like the sister I never had.

Teresa found another guy, and now they're together. But she moved to another country with her boyfriend, but we're still in touch. So that's a good thing.
Frypan became an excellent chef, and has thousands of restaurants around the world. He also has the most Michelin stars because of his excellent and successful restaurants. And he is still my brother-from-another-mother-bestie. He's also married to a girl named Nina. And that's all because of me. Fry met her through me. So whatever he says, I WAS HER BEST-FRIEND FIRST!

Clint and Jeff became successful surgeons, and both of them are married. Their wives are lovely, and the two couple is absolutely adorable!

Alby became a Military Sergeant Major of the Army. He has like thousands of medals. And yeah, he's married too. It's good to finally see him happy with another girl. They're both strict, but cute. Her name is Amy if you wonder, and we became good friends actually.

Newt. He became an actor in a TV-show called The Games of Thrones. And that show became a success, and with that. Every. Single. Girl. Fell in love with our Newton. But he's taken girls. He is married to a girl named, wait for it! Ashlyn! HAHAHAHAH!!! I know right!? But they're cute together. She is also british, so I will call Ashlyn 'The second Brit'. Since Newt is 'The Brit'. Ashlyn is really awesome, and I love her. She and I get along perfectly! So we're basically best-friends. Not that I'm not best-friends with the other guys wives or girlfriends.

Chuck on the other hand. Is not married, but he has had girlfriends. Right now, he isn't in a serious relationship. And it's one more thing you should know about him. When we got out, we couldn't find his family. Because apparently, all of our families were dead... But we had each other, and we considered that we were a family. Or ARE a family. But Chuck was too young to live on his own, so Thomas adopted him. He and Brenda became his 'parents'. And it was really cute! Chuck was and is really grateful for what Thomas and Brenda did for him. I knew that my-pain-in-the-ass-brother, would adopt him without a second thought. And that's one of the reasons why I'm grateful and proud to have him as my brother, and why I love him so much.

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now