A Younger Greenie!? What The Hell Creators!?

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25 AN: YAS! Finally! Someone younger is coming into the glade!!! Okay, it isn't good, but it isn't bad, but... you know... It's something I have waited a long time to write! Enjoy:

Emily's P.O.V.

It has been over 2 and half year in this shucking glade. It's has almost been 3 years! Damn... That is what I'm going to say. Damn! Whatever, today another greenie is coming, and it has to be a girl this time! It has to! Also, people have stopped treating me like a baby. I can actually DO stuff! Hallelujah! Also, since I'm out of running practicing, I decided that I would run for 2 months straight. And I'm back, baby! Emily is shucking back! But I have to run with the shuck-face called Minho... Yes, I still think that I love him... He's just so, so... SHUCKING PERFECT! I love him. But heck no that I'm going to tell him that. Uh uh! Not happening, bro! Not yet alt least...

I was running to the box, since the newbie-alarm went off for a couple of minutes ago. Yes you heard me. I was running! It felt so damn good! I could run without limping and feeling pain. It was perfect. My bandages are also off, luckily and miraculously it didn't leave any scars on my arms or my stomach. It was truly weird... It actually should had, but I'm not complaining! Also I'm bruise-free! I'm practically not in pain anymore, and it feels so good...

"Hey, shank." The brit said catching up to the box. "You waiting?" Really, Newt? Really?

"No, I'm feeding a shark and knitting. What the heck does it looks like?" I asked full of sass and sarcasm, making him sit beside me and roll his eyes. "Do you think that this time it would be a girl?"

"It's gonna be a boy." He answered.

"A girl." And here it goes...

The box was finally up, and all the gladers (except for the runners) had gathered around it. Gally and Zart opened up the box, and we could hear someone yelling for help.

"Help! Someone!" The voice said, but something was a bit different with it. No, it wasn't a girl if you thought... But it was a younger kind of voice. Like a little boy's voice.

"I told ya, it was a boy." Newt said, not hearing the same thing as me. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, next time it will be a girl." I said and started to climb down. When I got into the box, my eyes landed on a young boy, who couldn't be anymore than 12 years old. His hair was all curly and he was also chubby. Those shucking creator sent a little boy? What the hell!? The boy looked all terrified, and looked like he was about to cry.

"Is he crying or what?"

"He would probably won't do anything good for this glade."

"Why is he so short?" The gladers started to ask, and I lost my anger at them. They didn't knew that this was a 12 year old boy, and not a 16-18 year old one.

"Hey, shut the heck up! You're scaring him!" I shouted making them silent. I then looked at the terrified boy. "Hey, don't be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you." I said gently. He looked a bit relaxed, but was still really scared.

"W-who are you?" He asked almost as a whisper.

"I'm Emily, and you will remember your name soon." I said, he was about to ask another question, but I spoke up first. "I know that all this is confusing. But it happened to us too. I will answer all your questions, but let's get out from here." I said coming nearer him, I then offered him my hand. He carefully took it, and I helped him up.

"Do you want us to throw down the rope?" Newt asked. Every. Shucking. Time. He asks that stupid question, and every. Shucking. Time. I will answer back sarcastically.

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