Bonfire And A New Idea!

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4 AN: In this story, I'm not gonna follow the book or the movie all the way. This is a fan-fiction, and I do not own any character, except for Emily. Disclaimer to James Dashner, who is the genius behind The Maze Runner! I do not, repeat, do NOT own any characters, except for Emily! You can continue the story:

Emily's P.O.V.

It's bonfire tonight — the very first bonfire ever to be exact! I'm quite excited about what today's holding, because, well, we're having a bonfire tonight!

And considering that this 'party' only consists of three people, we decided - or more like Alby decided - to keep the bonfire little. Pfft, I wanted it to be huge, but that shuck-face was all: 'No, it can be dangerous and burn down the entire Glade'.

What a wimp.

"Ready?" Alby yelled with a torch in his hand, the fire dancing on the edge of his stick.

"Yes, sir stubborn!" Newt and I said in unison, holding onto our torches in a tight grip. The shuck-face only rolled his eyes at us and our 'childish' behavior.

"Three, two, one — fire!" And then we threw all of the burning sticks onto the small bonfire, which - in my opinion - you could barely call a fire.

Yes, I do realize that we are in the middle of a place we call the Glade. Yes, I do realize that the only escape is through a maze that has nasty and (probably) ugly monsters we like to call Grievers. And yes, I do realize that we have invented a lot of words, creating our own slang, but seriously, we need to have some kind of entertainment.

If we don't, we'll all end up like me with an iron pan.

The evening was quiet, yet, comforting. Alby, Newt, and I were enjoying the peace surrounding us and the silent company we brought to the atmosphere. In this moment of tranquility, it felt like nothing mattered, the Maze didn't matter, the Glade didn't matter — getting out of here didn't matter.

Because in the moment of silence, there was finally room for us to breathe, there was space for us to run — there was room for us.

There was no one else. It was only us and us only.

And when you get a moment like this, you have to enjoy every second of the peace while you still have it. The tranquility will not last in the future because of the growing population in the Glade. People will be sent here, but until that time comes; it's only Alby, Newt, and me.

We only have each other, so we have to stand together, bring the other one up when they're down — and today, we just proved that. We proved the strength of our bonds.

The sound of the crackling fire danced in the air, creating a song that could make me sleep. However, when you have a Brit in a Glade, then that melody will not last long.

"Do we need a leader?" Newt asked the question that must have been on his mind for a time, not even bothered to make his question a relevant thought.

My head turned to look at him, a puzzled expression painted on my face. Why are we in the need of a leader?

"Why do we need a leader?" Alby asked as if he had read my mind.

"Well, since there is obviously going to be more people sent here, we will probably need some kind of an order to keep the peace in the Glade." He explained with reasonable points, looking at us as the fire reflected around.

"I agree with the Greenbean," I glanced at Newt. "He's right. The Glade is going to grow, and we can't exactly have a place without any order or rule-breakers, now can we? It will be chaotic — life-threatening even."

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