New, Special, Unusual And Weird Greenie... Do I Know You?

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29 AN: I hoped you liked the previous chapter. I was really excited about it! If you don't know the song, it is Shake it off by Taylor Swift. But you have to be really unsocial to not know the song (sorry if you really didn't/don't know the song, but seriously? You should know it. Just sayin, and no, I'm not a big fan of her, yes, I like her, but not LOVE her. The only person I love is Demi Lovato and Kelly Clarkson! Peace out bro!). Yeah, that went weird... Okay, continue and enjoy shuck-faces:

Emily's P.O.V.

Okay, I'm gonna kill Chuck and Newt! They won't shut up, and now they're throwing hints to Minho! Ugh! Why!? Clint and Jeff aren't so supportive either. Telling me to admit my feelings and wiggle their eyebrows, but they aren't that bad as Chucker and Newton. Frypan tell me to do the right thing, follow my heart and get my man... You should think that he isn't that bad either, but he also smirk or every time he sees us, he will be all: "Lovebirds, lover, couple etc." But Chuck and Newt is the worst! I think they're up to something, and I think I'm gonna kill them soon... You guys better sleep with one eye open...

Also a new greenie is coming, and I still believe that it will be a girl. No, I will not give up! Never and ever! Hell to the no!

I was walking to the box, when this annoying voice shouted at me.

"Ey, Em! Thinking of someone?" This accent said, making me glare an atom bomb at the brit.

"Actually I am. I'm thinking how to murder you!" I said rolling my eyes, and making him snicker. He finally reached me to the box, and when it wasn't annoying enough. The amor himself came.

"Come on, Emily. You need to make a move!" Chuck said sitting beside us.

"The only move I'm making, is killing both of you shuck-faces." I said rolling my eyes.

"What do you think it will be this time?" Chuck asked after a minute of silence.

"A boy/a girl," Newt and I said at the same time. He said boy, while I said a girl.



"Why did I even ask..." Chuck said rubbing his eyes. You know the rest of the story.

The box finally came up, and all the gladers were waiting for the greenie. When the box finally came up, Gally and Winston opened it. In the box, there was a... *drum roll* A boy... Shuck it!

"Told ya!" Newt said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "Next time, shuck-face, they will send up a girl."

"They won't!" Almost all the gladers said in unison.

"You need patience shuck-faces!" I said annoyed at them, in return, I got a lot of eye rolls. I then looked at the boy in the box, he had brown hair, brown eyes, and a blue t-shirt. He looked familiar... Why did I had this feeling that I knew him? I shook it off, and jumped into the box.

"Who are you? Where am I? Why can't I remember anything? What-" The greenie started, but I cut him off.

"Woah, slow down, green bean." I said smiling at him. "I'm Emily, and you will remember your name soon. I will answer all your questions, but lets get our from here." I smiled, and he relaxed a bit. But he was still scared and really confused.

"Should we thrown down the rope?" This stupid shuck-face Newt asked. Really, Newt? EVERY-SHUCKING-TIME! He is the most stupid person I've ever met. I mentally face-palmed...

"No, shuck-face. We're planting a tree, and are waiting for it to grow so we can use it to climb up. But you see, we need to wait for Jesus and his disciples to come and get us those weeds. In the mean time, we're hanging with the devil down here, and having a big tea party without your british ass. What the shuck do you think?" I retorted, making a lot of gladers laugh. Even the greenie looked at me confused, but amused and smiled. Well, the greenie smiled, so that's a good thing. I could sense that Newt was rolling his eyes at me, but the rope was thrown down. I gestured the greenie to climb it, he looked at me with scared eyes. "They wont't hurt you greenie. I promise." I reassured him, and he nodded. He then began climbing. There was something odd with that greenie. I feel like I know him. Every time I looked at him, there was this feeling telling me that I knew him. But where? When I looked up at him (since he was unusually tall, no I'm not short. So shut up.) there was this feeling that I just wanted to hug him, or roll my eyes, or annoy him... Why did I feel it like that? I shook it off once again, and began climbing the rope. I looked at the greenie who was taking in everything. He looked even more scared and confused.

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