Let The Hell Break Loose!

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33 AN: Well, I decided that I won't have my story as the book or the movie. It will be a kinda of slowly process before they get out. Continue and enjoy:

Emily's P.O.V.

Well, were having a gathering about what were going to do about my brother, Thomas. My brother. Ugh, it feels so good to say it! My brother is the pain in the ass Thomas! And I'm proud of being his sister! Even though he's annoying as hell!

"In place of our leader, sick in bed, Emily and I declare this Gathering begun." Newt said too all the gladers and the keepers. "You will not talk or say anything, unless you're given permission." He said to Thomas, who nodded.

"As you all know, the last few days has been shucking crazy, and it looks like it is centered around our newest green bean, Thomas." I pointed at my brother sitting in the chair in front of us keepers and leaders. "So what should we do with him?" I said, and sat down on my seat near Newt and the desk he was writing stuff at. Then the hell broke loose. All keepers talking with different opinions.

"Shut your holes!" I shouted and the room went silent. "One at the time." The keepers nodded.

"Zart the fart, you begin." Newt said and people snickered while Zart just rolled his eyes at Newt.

"Well." He looked at Thomas. "I don't know. He broke one of our most important rules. We can't just let people think that's okay." He looked down, not liking the attention. "But then again... He's changed things. Now we know we can survive out there, and that we can beat the grievers." I felt kinda relieved. I didn't want my brother to be banished or something like that. Or else they had to banish me as well. Yes, I am that stubborn.

"Oh, give me a break!" Gally said scoffing. "I bet Minho's the one who actually got rid of those stupid things."

"Gally, shut your hole!" Newt and I said in unison, making him jump a bit at our outburst.

"If I hear one more bugging word from you, I will not hesitate to throw you out from the Gathering. Am I clear?" Newt said annoyed at the builder.

"Please," he said sarcastically.

"Was there anything else, Zart?" I asked. He shook his head and sat down in his seat again. "Alright, thank you. Frypan, you're up." I sat down while Fry stood up and held his 'speech'.

"Shank's got more guts than I've fried up from every pig and cow in the last year! How stupid is this - He saved Alby's life, kills a couple of grievers and were sitting here yapping about what to do with him." Frypan said, and I couldn't had been more proud of this shuck-face. He said it better than I could had. Damn this shank should become a poet. "As Chuck would say: This is a pile of klunk." I could see that Chuck's eyes lightened up as he mentioned his name. This is why Frypan is my brother from another mother - bestie.

"So what're you saying?" Newt asked and that made Fry and me roll our eyes. Didn't he hear what Frypan just said? I looked at the other gladers, who didn't get what he meant. Stupid shuck-faces.

"Get him to train us up!" Frypan and I said in unison, and all jumped at our outburst. Wow, a lot of people here who's jumping lately...

"Put him on the shucking Council and have him train us on everything he did out there." Frypan explained, and Newt scribbled it down on a paper.

I sighed heavily. "Gally."

"Things are changing..." He started.

"No shit, shank lock of grumpiness, you majesty." I muttered, making Newt, Zart and Frypan to clasp a hand over their mouth to prevent them from laughing. Gally just glared at me, while I smiled innocently back. "You were saying, your highness." I mocked him, making Frypan and Zart burst out laughing, while Newt bit his lip from laughing. He just smiled.

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora