One Month Later, Another Greenie!

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7 AN: Tell me if you liked the chapter! I will also apologize for my stupid English grammar mistakes and my awful spelling. It's not my strongest subject in school...

Emily's P.O.V.

It has been exactly one month since George came up, and guess what?

We're crowned as the Glade's best friends.

So, now I'm not the only weirdo here — yay!

George was also given the job as a Track-hoe because that was the only thing he didn't suck at. And guess the person who still has to cook for these shanks? Yep, me.

I swear, when I find someone who can cook, I will thank them every day as long as I live. If they die before me, I will literally go to their grave and continue thanking them for their service.

Yeah, it's that bad. Those slintheads can eat a lot!

Speaking of slintheads; Newt is running on his own now, which means that I don't need to babysit him anymore. It feels like it was only yesterday he was whining about being a Runner — and look at him now! He's a shucking Runner.

Alby, on the other hand, is being extra. He has taken his role as the Leader way too serious — so serious that he isn't that fun anymore. Heck, he even refused to wear that captain hat I got him (don't ask me how I got it, just go with it).

But regardless of his stupidity and seriousness, I would still pick him over a Griever for a company any day.

Or actually

My point is that these people are important to me. Sure, we will have these unnecessary arguments here and there, but that's how friends show that they don't hate you.

It's a deep connection.

Speaking of connection, we still haven't found a connection that could lead us to an exit. Despite the fact that we haven't found a door that leads us out of this place, we - or more like I - found something.

It's not much, but hey, at least it's something.

While I was running, I saw some text that was written on the wall: 'World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department'. The moment I saw it, my 'superpower' kicked in and I remembered that our suppliers have these letters written on them: 'W.C.K.D'.

And it all just clicked.

Those letters must stand for the words I found on the wall in the Maze.

Although we found some kind of connection, it still didn't do much for us — instead of answers, we got more questions swarming around our heads.

But let us concentrate on something fun instead: A shucking Greenie is arriving today.

And guess who is getting their revenge when it's bonfire time?

Alby, you're going down.

"Come on, shanks, the Greenie will be here at any second now!" I yelled across the Glade, trying to sound louder than the Newbie Alarm with a poor effect.

Jeez, it's so annoying.

"Coming!" They all chorused, taking their time to get to the Box. Whereas they were walking like old people, I was sitting down, praying and hoping that the Greenie would not be a boy.

"This time they must send a girl," I said, looking between them and the Box.

"Sorry, Em, but I seriously doubt that," Alby glanced at Newt and George, giving me a shrug as to say 'sorry'.

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now