Pains Of Being A Teenager

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  "Is that the boy that's been dropping you off after school?" Mother glanced at me from the corner of her eye with an accusing look upon her face.

  "Yes mom, it is." I said. It felt like we had gone over this a thousand times.

  "Do you like him?" she inquired.

  "Not really mom." I was getting better at my lying skills.

  "Oh, well OK then. Why do let him take you home?" she raised her eyebrows in question.

  "I honestly have no idea." If I told her that it wasn't that I didn't let him, it was that he made me. I didn't hate him, but I didn't love him like the rest of the girls in high school did. Even my best friends did.

  "Aera, you do know that if something ever happens to you, you can tell me, right?"

  "Yes mother, I know." I sighed. I knew she was just trying to help, but sometimes she annoyed me.

    "Good." She stated in a manner of matter of fact.

    We drove the rest of the way home in silence. It was awkward, but it gave me some time to think about life, and friends. Of course Damon was added into that mix. He seemed to constantly fill my mind, and I hated myself for it.

    School went pretty normally the rest of that week. Everyone talked about my hair, they didn't completely forget about Damon and I, but there was certainly less talk, thank God. I heard about if from my friends though. They asked everyday what he and I talked about. Which was generally nothing other than me sitting in the car, pouting.

    Mickayla was still drooling over Stefan, but so was every other girl in my class, except for me, of course, I had my own Salvatore problems. I didn’t care to think about hers at the moment. She wasn’t my main concern. I hardly escaped her telling me about how sweet he was, and how he clearly was the better brother. Of course, they seemed to both be about equal, except Damon didn’t seem so sweet. He probably was in his own way, but it always seemed to have a bonus for him. Although him driving me to school was a question that I didn’t even begin to ask myself anymore. I was terribly afraid of the answer.

    Damon even started picking me up before school to. He keeps telling me to wait inside my house and he'll come get me, but I still insist on standing at my bus stop. It's not like he could do anything about it.

  "Aera Hansin, you get your ass in this car or I swear to God...!" He yelled at me on Friday.

  "Fine!" I yelled back at him. I got in the car and slammed the door.

  "And off we go." He said cheerfully to me as we drove away.

  "I hate you." I mumbled.

  "I know you do love, I know you do." He smiled. On the bright side, I was getting better at lying.


I know, it's short. I don't know why I'm up so late, but I felt the need to write! So I did. :)

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