Prom Night

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 I was pretty excited to put up this chapter. Thanks everyone for all of your support for the story! And because it is exteremly obvious what this chapter is about, I have the link thing to the clothes: Thought you guys would like to see that, because I suck at describing dresses. All of them are there! Anyway, now that I've rambled... ON WITH THE READING!


  The week flew by, until next thing I knew, it was the day of prom. I already had my dress, it was a long full maroon slightly ruffled thing, I  didn’t like short dresses. I fell in love with the dress and I decided it was perfect

  I was pretty excited. Kenzie was going with William and we were all anticipating meeting him. Mickayla had decided that her and Stefan weren't working out (she knew that we all knew her lie), but she was going with our friend Evan. They had been friends forever. And last but not least, Sara was going with Stefan. He had asked her the week before. We were all happy for her. They were pretty cute together, too. And he was a little taller than her to, which was a bonus, considering she was 5'9. Yeah, definitely could be a model.

  "So, I'll pick you up around seven?" Damon called out as I was about to shut the car door that Friday.

  "Sure, sounds great." I smiled

  "I'll be watching." He winked at me.

  "No, don't you dare. Promise not to peek?" I knew he could easily look into my bedroom window. Damn those vampire senses. He said that we teenagers were perverted. I think someone with 500 years of experience would be worse than us.

  "Alright, fine." He smirked, pretending to be disappointed.

  "Thanks." I gave him a quick smile as I shut the door and he drove off. I ran upstairs to my house, and greeted my mother. I could hardly wait till 7. I ran to my room, and called Sara, Kenzie, and Mickayla; I had finally managed a 4 way conversation, I was a ninja.

  "So, we’ll be there at 7:30, right guys?" Sara was double checking.

  "Yeah." We all said in unison back to her. She asked about five times already.

  "OK, just checking." She said in an apologetic voice.

  "I have to go get ready guys." It was 4:30, and I still needed to shower.

  "Yeah, same here." Kenzie commented.

  "Me two." Chimed in the vampire friend.

  "Me three." Mickayla replied.

  "Bye." We all said goodbye and hung up. I took an hour long shower. It was nice. I felt like I needed to just think. I then worked on putting pin curls in my hair; I was going for the 1940's hairstyle. My hair had hardly grown since it was cut, so it was still really short.

  So, until it was time to put my dress on, I was walking around in tiny curlers, and a bathrobe, I felt funny. I always wore my locket. I hadn't taken it off since it was first put on. My hair ended up turning out the way it was supposed to, thank goodness. I also looked pretty great in my dress, if I did say so myself. It hugged my girlish curves ever so well.

  The doorbell rang at exactly 7, and my mother made it to the door before I did, mainly because I couldn't really walk very fast in my heels. 

  "Damon," I heard her say with joy in her voice. "Come in."

  "Thank you." He replied. I smiled to myself when I heard his voice. I couldn’t see them, but I could hear well enough.

  "Aera, Damon's here." My mother called up the stairs.

Hopless Love (Damon Salvatore) *EditingWhere stories live. Discover now