Researching The Enemy

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  "Hey." Damon said walking into my room like he owned it; I had become used to it lately.
  "Hey," I replied grabbing my silver laptop.
  "What are you doing?" He asked seductively using his eyes to intrigue me. It worked, but I wouldn’t let him know that.
  I couldn't help rolling my eyes. “What do you know about werewolves?" I looked up at him as I typed something into the search bar on my computer.
  "They're bite is lethal to vampires, they're not really around much anymore, why?" he cocked his head to the side. Damon walked over to my dresser where I had all my keepsakes and picked up a small fairy figurine and held it in his hand.
  "I just got off the phone with Kenzie, her hot date's a wolf." I glanced at him.
  "Doesn't sound like the best move for a first date." He smirked. It was amusing, and ironic. The girl that hated anything that couldn’t be explained was now dating a werewolf. At least they were practically nonexistent. That was a bonus.
  "That's what I thought, but they have one for Tuesday." I clicked on one of the links that popped up about werewolves. I skimmed through it not finding much of anything.
  "Have you told her I'm a vampire?" We hadn't ever spoken of me telling anyone before. He was now looking at a dragon figurine that I had.
  "God no. She hates the very thoughts of vampires. It wouldn't be good." I giggle at the thought of telling her.
  He laughed. "Why does she have a problem with vampires?" he set the dragon down and walked over to me.
  "I think it had something to do with her waking up to Dracula at like, midnight, and her freaking out. She's also kind of annoyed with the whole vampire craze thing to." I could understand that, I had gone through it myself. Pretty intensely I might add.
  "Oh, maybe you shouldn't tell her then." He gave me a mischievous half smile.
  "Just as long as you don't sparkle in the sun, I think we're good." I smiled and giggled to myself. The thought of Damon sparkling was pretty amusing.
  "Thank God I don’t. I live in the real world where vampires burn up."
  "Speaking of which, how do you go out in the sun?" I had been wondering about it since I had been informed about it. Truth be told, when Damon told me he was a vampire, I hadn’t even thought about it. I did a very good job of pulling it off I thought.
  "The ring." He held up his hand which had a ring on it.
  "Does every vampire have one? Or is it just like a special thing?" I felt like I was doing a research paper on him. That was a good idea. I would have to remember that for our next one in English or something.
  "No, only some have them."
  "Cool." I looked at what had popped up for werewolves. Damon came over to where I was on my bed and sat behind me and pulled me into his lap.
  I clicked on a link, and read through it.
  "Nothing here." I said. We read for a little bit more, and at the end of my research, I learned that some wolves can change when they want, and unlucky ones, only on full moons, but all were at their most powerful during the full moon.  Personally, I think it would have sucked to have to only change on a full moon. Obviously this William character wasn’t one of them. He could change whenever he wanted, meaning he could kill whoever he wanted when he wanted. He was the dangerous type was the way I saw it. I never pegged Mackenzie for the bad-boy, actually it was more of a bad-dog type. I didn’t like him already.


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