Breaking Apart

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So, I thought I would update early, mainly because I wouldn't get a chance to tomorrow. I have to go to our homecoming game... unfortunately. There might be another chapter up this weekend though, depending on how well this one goes. Thanks again to everyone for the support! OH! And, I was reading some of the comments, and Juliet Capumustang came up with Stara for the Sara and Stefan relationship. I like it! What do you guys think? I'd like to know! :D


“Come on, spit it out!” I grabbed her by her shoulders and looked up at her with pleading eyes.

  “Aera, I would tell you if I could, but I am sworn to secrecy. If I ever told you, Stefan would kill me or Damon when he gets back.” She looked away, knowing she revealed hardly anything, but even that had been too much. “I don’t see what’s the big deal though.” I heard her mumble under her breath.

  I chose to ignore it and would deal with it later. It did matter, she just didn’t understand how much it did because her boyfriend was with her. She also knew what was going on and knew whether or not I should stop worrying because he was gone, or because he was safe and sound. “But he is coming back, right?” when she didn’t answer, I ran out of the school doors and dropped to my knees as I reached the pavement. I cried into my hands, and didn’t care who saw. I had decided I would take the rest of the day off from school, it was almost over anyway, and I would just catch the bus when it was time to leave.

  I wandered the streets of the little town, going in and out of stores, only for a second to get away from the cold. By the time it was 3:00, and school was getting out, I had walked up and down the streets 4 times.

  The bus ride home seemed to take forever and the little children on it seemed three times more annoying than usual. I did my homework, ate my dinner, and watched a movie with my mother just to pass the time.

  When I went to bed that night, there was Damon, lounging on my bed.

  “Where the Hell have you been?” I yelled at him, I could feel the tears well up in my eyes.

  “I’ve been dealing with some things.” He stood up from the bed and walked up to me.

  “Well it would have been nice to know that you would be gone. I was worried sick about you! How could you do that to me?” I was glaring up at him as he stood half an inch from me. I could feel the tears now as they fled from my eyes down my cheeks.

  His anger flared up and his eyes turned dark.“I didn’t think I needed to tell a kid like you where I am going to be at all times.” He was clearly angry with my reaction. Did he expect for me to just be happy and excited that he was back with no questions asked? All of the feelings I had been having quickly rushed over me in a manner that took my breath away. Did he even care? Did he even bother to think about what he put me through? I didn’t want to know where he was going; I just wanted to know when he was leaving so I would know that he wasn’t dead at the very least! Not that he would be dead, but hurt. “It’s not like you could do anything about it anyway.” He spat. “You’re just a human, a weak one at that. Let’s face it, you’re pretty damn useless.”

  I ignored the last part reluctantly. “Does it matter? I still would have liked to know where you were.” I whimpered quietly, I stared at the pink carpet, avoiding all eye contact as much as possible.

  “Sometimes you can be so much like a teenager human girl.” He rolled his eyes.

  “Oh… Maybe that’s because I am one!” what the hell was he trying to say? That I was to emotional? In that case, if he couldn’t handle it, that was his problem for dating a hormonal seventeen year old.

  “Would you like to know something?” he didn’t wait for a reply. “I have never had to deal with more drama in my entire life before I met you! That’s saying a lot. You are the biggest problem I have ever had. I’ve known a lot of girls, but none with problems like you!” he sternly yelled back at me. A rush of tears flowed out of my eyes and there was no way I could stop them.

  “I-I can’t believe you! Get out! We are through Damon Salvatore!” I yelled at him, not caring if my mother had heard me or not. I hadn’t known if I had hurt him or not, if I did, he had done a very good job of hiding it in his eyes. He left without a word though, and I fell asleep with tears falling down my face. I cried myself to sleep that night.

  School was dull; Stefan, Sara, or Damon hardly ever came to school. Damon never did actually. He came only once, to sign out of classes. I ignored him, and stayed with Mackenzie that whole day.

  I missed my old life; everything was as perfect as it could’ve been. Damn Damon for ruining it. I hated him.

Hopless Love (Damon Salvatore) *EditingWhere stories live. Discover now