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  "Aera, your grandparents are here!" my mother called from the other room. I had completely forgotten that they were coming for the weekend.
  "Oh good.” I said shooting a smile at Damon.
  "You sound happy. For once." Damon said.
  "You would be to if you were me." It was a break from the normal crowd.
  "Yeah, have fun this weekend. I'll be on watch."

  “Damon!” I called out in a whisper. “Don’t-”  He kissed my forehead and left. I was left alone in my room. I walked out into the living room to see my grandparents sitting on the couch with my mother. I went and sat by them. I wished Damon had stayed; I wanted to introduce them to him- kinda.

  "So, Aera... Have a boyfriend yet?" My grandmother asked me. I blushed. Damon was not my boyfriend not by any step of the means. He was a boy, that I happened to kiss and hug a lot. It sounded awkward, but there was no other way to explain it to myself.

  "Um... no, not really." I shook my head in response. I tried to play it cool, hoping I wouldn’t embarrass myself. I gave a fake smile.
  "Anyone you like?" she pushed on. I was blushing. She nudged my arm and winked at me. It was like she knew what I was thinking.
  "No, not really." I lied. Damon’s faced popped up in my head. I needed to stop thinking about him so much. It was probably terribly unhealthy. I didn’t not need to have a mental condition added on top of my problems, I had too many as it was.  
  "Oh, Aera, what about that boy that picks you up and drops you off for school? You must like him." My mother added. My grandmother gave an interested look. “Well, there’s this boy.” My mother said and winked at her. “He likes Aera.”  I sighed. Apparently everyone else was under that impression but me.

  "Oh who's she talking about?" My grandma asked me.
  "Oh, no one, his name's Damon. We're just good friends." I gave in. I gave it a good shot. But I failed at keeping him a secret. “ But he doesn’t like me like that mom.” Hopefully he wouldn’t be the subject the whole rest of the weekend. He was outside listening, and if I said something, I knew he would be able to hear, and I didn’t want that.
  “Of course he does. His family obviously has money. He has a black Ferrari. His brother dropped her off once too.  He has a Porsche, right?” I simply nodded to my mother’s information. It was strange how she picked up on these things and remembers them.  “You should see the way he opens the door for her and shuts it. Just like a gentleman. He totes her around everywhere. It’s so cute.” My mother waver her hand at me.

  “He does not mom. He takes from home to school and back again. That’s all. And he opens the door for me because it’s how he was, uh, raised. It’s nothing special.” I denied everything she said.

  “Whatever you say sweet pea.” She winked at my grandmother.  My grandfather just sat there and listened to all of us talk and bicker like usual.

  "You’d be surprised what guys do, Aera. What does he look like?" I told her. I didn’t know if he was listening or not though. I did mention that he was undeniably gorgeous and had amazing eyes.  "Well he sounds great. He sounds like he likes you; don’t cheat yourself out of a hot guy kiddo. Especially if he does like you the way it sounds like."
  "I doubt it. It just doesn't seem like it." The way they put it to any passerby they would think what my family did. But I knew him all too well. Then again, maybe he did. I don’t think I would mind so much anymore as I did a few months ago. I still thought that any other girl should be where I am. A prettier, more fit one. I wansn't super skinny, but I could lay off the chips. He looks like a guy that would be with a super model. Not me. Then again, that could just add up to the facts of why he might actually like me.


Hopless Love (Damon Salvatore) *EditingWhere stories live. Discover now