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  "How did you get in here?" I asked... starting to be very frightened. I stood up from my bed and faced him.

  "Through the door, like any other civilized person." Khalid smiled at me as he advanced towards me. His smile was quite

  "You're not civilized though." I spat back at him. Anger filled my body with such rage that I couldn’t see straight at first.

  "Feisty one aren’t we? How quickly you forget, my dear... I am much stronger than you." He grabbed my hair.

  "Let go of me." I said furious, and about to cry. He released my hair. I blinked the tears away. I had to stay strong until I could manage to call out for Damon. Where was he? Wasn’t he supposed to be on watch or something? Maybe he couldn’t sense him. That must have been impossible though. Maybe he did something to him? I couldn’t think about it though. I was too scared to. I didn’t want to think about it. Somehow the thought of it sprung tears to my eyes and one rolled down my cheek.

  "I've been to see your friend, the blonde one, what's her name? Ah yes, Sara." I went pale.

  "Very charming girl she is... very naive though. She fell for me instantly. I find it very hard to get you to though." He smiled smugly

  "If you hurt her... I swear..." I trailed off. What was I really going to do.

  "Oh, don't worry, she's fine. Perfect even. Her blood smells amazing though. We have a date for next week." He laughed his sick smile that he gave me a split second to call out to my rescuer. I was scared out of my mind.

  "Damon!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

  "He can't do anything for you. The wheels of my plan are already set in motion." Suddenly the window opened and cold air was let in.

  "Step away from her now, Khalid!." Damon growled, his eyes turned to the black and red vein thing again, and this time his fangs popped out. The probably did before but he didn’t open his mouth to show them last time.

  "Oh, silly silly boy... You don't understand do you? I will leave, but when I come back, you will regret this." He left through my window. I knew he wasn’t civilized and this just further added to my evidence. I started to open my mouth to tell Damon not to go, but I was too late, he had already made up his mind. It was clear as day on his face and I knew that there was no stopping him from going out into the winter’s cold and ruthless night. Come to think of it, Khalid matched that description to a T.

  Damon went after him. I sat down on my bed and grabbed my blanket and twirled it around in my fingers. What happened if he died? I know I would care, but how much? I didn’t know how I felt about him. He was my own protector. What would I do without him? I would be able to live, but how much would it hurt knowing that he wasn’t down the street?  There were too many questions for me to ask with no answers calling back to me like I hoped they would.  My mind was much too tired to even begin to think of the others without having these ones answered first. I stood back up and just stood in the middle of my pink carpeted floor.


So, I'll update after 10 votes, that would be sweet. Thanks again for reading and commenting!!!

Hopless Love (Damon Salvatore) *EditingWhere stories live. Discover now