Life; It Goes On

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Now, I know that this isn't generally a day that I post lately. But, I just saw the greatest thing ever and I felt the need to post. I might post on Friday, depending on how well this goes. :) So comment and vote if you want another before then!!!


  I woke up in Damon’s huge bed. I thought about last night, and couldn’t believe myself, what I had done wasn’t me. I slept with Damon Salvatore. Not like I usually had, just well… sleeping. I had done what I had told myself I wouldn’t do until I would get married. On the bright side, I knew I wouldn’t get pregnant.
  It had occurred to me that I had no idea where Damon was. I sat up on one elbow and looked at my surroundings. I was in king sized mahogany bed, white sheets, and it seemed like a perfectly normal bedroom. Plenty of windows… a little strange considering he was very dark and hardly liked the light. Flat screen television mounted on the wall, fire place… the works. I threw myself back down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.
  Where had my clothes gone? I could hardly remember much of anything last night, it was all a blur. Well, compared to the important part it was. I scanned the floor as I sat up on my elbow again, the sheets covering me.
  “Are you looking for these?” A voice came from the door. Damon stepped into the room holding a bundle of folded clothes.
  “Yes! Damon can I have them back?” I gave him the puppy dog eyes.
  “Come get them.” He raised his eyebrow and gave me his sexy, seductive smirk.
  “Fine.” I took the blanket, wrapped myself up and walked over to him, where he almost handed me my clothes.
  “I believe you cheated.” He smiled, humor in his voice.
  “There was never any ‘rules’ to this. Now please, give them back.” I stepped a half step closer to him. I could feel his breath on my face we were so close. Looking into his eyes, giving him my cutest little girl looks.
  He rolled his eyes. “Fine.” He gave them back to me reluctantly.
  “Thank you.” I kissed him on the cheek. I walked to the bathroom that was attached to his room, and quickly changed back into my clothes, and walked back out to see him lounging on his bed. He was an amazing contrast, all black clothing to pure white sheets, very picturesque.
  “I liked you better the way you were dressed before.” He frowned slightly. I walked over to him, and he held my hand.
  “Well, if it’s all the same to you, I feel much more comfortable.” He pulled me down on top of him and he moved himself to be on top of me. He laughed as he did. I had hardly seen him laugh or smile, truly without there being any sarcasm or any other motive to it, but when he did, I remembered why I loved him so much.
  “Oh Aera, you look so beautiful.” He moved a strand of hair out of my face, and kissed my lips gently.
  “I have to get home.” I suddenly realized my mother; I had never told her that I was going.
  “I’ll come with you to help explain what had happened.” I smiled at him. I knew what he was getting at. I wondered if compelling someone so much would have a mental effect eventually.
  “That would probably be for the best. Thank you so much.” Neither one of us moved to get up yet.
  “My princess.” He said out of the blue, still playing with my hair. I gave him a puzzled look; he had never called me that before. “My princess.” He whispered sweetly into my ear. I could feel my face blush again, I wasn’t used to be called princess, and the last time I had been called that was when I went to Disneyland last. Somehow I had the feeling they had much different meanings behind them.
  He got up and pulled me off the bed with him. I groaned a little, not wanting to leave.
  “You don’t have to go, you know. You could stay longer.” He had a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. I glanced at the clock on his night stand that said it was two in the afternoon, I had considered it though.
  “You know I can’t. Promise you’ll come and visit me tonight?” I was holding his hands, looking up at him, grinning.
  “Well of course I will… I can barely stay away from you, you temptress.” He kissed my hand as I blushed.
  “You do not know how much I missed you. Damon, I swear to God I will never do that to us again. It was too much for me.” The memory of my feelings filled my head and made me dizzy.
  “I would hope you wouldn’t.” With that, he took me home and we, well, he ‘explained’ to my mother that I was over at Sara’s house working on an English project that was due on Monday, and that I might go back over later that night. Of course with Damon’s Powers, she had no choice but to believe it and to consent for a possible overnighter again.
  I stayed at home that night, and called and caught up with Mickayla. Her and her new boyfriend were amazing together and got along very well. She occasionally mentioned that she and Stefan were still friends; it was very giggle-some. I had ignored everyone while I had gone into my slight depression mode. I was on the phone the rest of the night catching up with everyone, until I heard Damon tapping on my window. I had missed it. 


Oh, and BTW, that means by the way... (did you see what I did there? I'm a vampire diaries quoter :P) there is only 3 chapters left in this story. Sequel? No sequel? Tell me what you think, thanks everyone!!! 

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