Happily Living

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I'm sad to almost be done with this story... I love it to much! So, if you want more and a sequel, comment below vote, all that stuff. There just one chapter left after this one, have fun reading everyone!!


  Damon stayed with me, and hardly left my side. School went by quickly, and then it was summer. Damon never did go back to school and nobody seemed to notice why one brother went to school and not the other. 
  "So what will we do during the summer, not having anything to do all day long?" Damon asked me on the last day of school.
  "I can only imagine the things we could come up with." I smiled at him and winked. He pulled me in close to him and held onto my waist. 
  "Come away with me, we can leave this all behind," he stroked my hair which was now shoulder length. "what do you say?"
  "I say that I still have 2 years of high school left, and if I leave with you, I'll never want to come back." I sighed, the thought of running away was a pleasant one.
  "That can be arranged and no one will even know you were here. You will simply have vanished off the earth." he did a hand motion at vanished.
  "As tempting as that is, and trust me it is very tempting, I think that I should stay here. At least for a little while longer."
  "Oh God, you are so rational! You need to loosen up." He grabbed my hands and swung them back and forth for a moment.
  "And how do you suppose I do that?" I looked up at him with accusing eyes.
  "I can think of a few ways..."
  I rolled my eyes at him. "I need to get home."
  "I know." he went and opened the car door for me and then we left the school parking lot.
  "What was she like?" I asked as we first left town. I was referring to Juliana, the girl who had originally stolen his heart. He had only spoken of her a few times and I had really managed to get her name.
  "Who?"  he looked puzzled
  "Juliana, what was she like?"
  "Well, She was the complete opposite of you. She was very whimsical and spontaneous, and she hardly ever cared about what people thought of her, except her father. If he didn't approve of something then it didn't happen. Juliana was much a free spirit. Too much I would say. she was in love with Stefan at the same time that she claimed she was in love with me.
  "She had played us both against each other; she had given us her blood and then we had boy killed each other making us into vampires.
  "Even your looks were different. She was very light compared to your dark. Except complexion you’ve got her beat there. There's not much other than that." I could tell that he was holding back, but I would have to get it out of him later. I don't know why he would keep something from me, I told him everything. Maybe I was just being paranoid, I generally was. I would try not to think about it.
  "Oh." I said trying to act cheerful. It was quiet after that. Damon dropped me off at home and told me he would be back later. He was going to have dinner with my mother and I later that night. We were going out to an 'adult' restaurant. 
  I went upstairs and laid down on my bed, letting the sun from my window shine down on me. I thought about the year. Since February, Mickayla and Evan's relationship had taken off. They were together quite often and did everything together. Sara had 'officially' started dating, and fell in love. Stefan was one of the sweetest boyfriends in the world, and he was incredibly kind to her, the way they looked at each other, you could see the love in there eyes from miles away. And then there was Kenzie and William. We hadn't heard much from Will after the dance, and Mackenzie was very upset for three months, and she broke up with him. He had come back to try and apologize, but she wouldn't hear or it. He tried to attack her, and luckily since he came after school, Damon and Stefan were there and took him away. Rumor's said that he moved away, far far away and nobody had heard from him since. But only Sara and I had known the truth. We didn't want to scare Mackenzie to much so we kept it to ourselves just letting her believe the lies.

Needless to say, it was a very painful last four months of school and we were all grateful not to have to go to school anymore though. 
  I dressed in a black and white knee length dress and black heels and when it was time, my mother and I went to the restaurant and met Damon there. He looked very handsome formal. Even now did I still get the strange feeling every time I saw him. 
  He pulled out the chair for my mother and I. We all had had dinner at my house before but never in public. We ordered and my mother and Damon talked about everything under the sun. When it was time to leave, Damon paid for the dinner-to which my mother felt bad about but he insisted- and he pulled me aside.
  "I have something for you." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box. He didn't get down on one knee, because that's not what it was. "This is only a promise ring. That you will always be mine. Forever Aera Hansin, I love you, and I always will." he slipped the ring on my finger. It was a white gold heart ring with three diamonds. I could feel the tears spring to my eyes. My heart was fluttering and I was shaking with nerves. I wrapped my arms around him and he pulled me into his embrace. He kissed me, and this wasn't what I was used to. He kissed me and it was like we were the only two people in the universe. It was like fireworks and there was pure pleasure from both of us.
  "Meet me at home. We should get started on forever." I smiled at him, and left.

Hopless Love (Damon Salvatore) *EditingWhere stories live. Discover now