Chapter Twenty-Six

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Mara Leigh

Xander followed me into the kitchen to find Blythe. She stood as if she had been waiting on us, which, knowing the surprise we had planned, I was sure she had been. I was thankful that I was able to block Xander from my mind when I wanted.

"What exactly is this secret of yours?" he asked, sounding amused. "Mom, are you in on this?"

Blythe smiled, and nodded her head toward the hallway leading to the back door in a motion for us to go outside. I pushed Xander in front of me and smiled to myself thinking about what was waiting for him just outside the door.

Without seeming to think about it, Xander pushed the door open and stepped out, a chorus of "Happy Birthday!" ringing out louder than I had expected. Xander stopped in his tracks on the back porch, his mouth dropping open a little.

"Thank y'all," he murmured, but I knew they'd hear him. "But I have one question," he continued. "How on earth did y'all hide this from me? I read y'all's mind on a daily basis!"

It was then that it hit me, he hadn't known about it, but how?

Blythe spoke up, "Well, son, I warned them all to guard their minds. I knew how nosey you are and that if you even heard a hint of something going on without you knowing, you'd be all in everyone's business until you found out what we were planning."

Xander put an arm around her and hummed in appreciation. "Thanks, mom."

"Don't thank me," she said, hugging him back. "It was all Mara Leigh's idea. I just helped when she went home to finish it."

Xander pulled away and grabbed my waist, dragging me closer to him. A light kiss was pressed on my nose, and I tipped my face up to his in anticipation for what didn't come.

"Thank you," he whispered. I shivered a little.

I was about to answer when a whiny voice rang out, "Come on, Alpha, we want cake and ice cream!"

I could tell it was Huck without even looking.

"Y'all can get a room later," he continued, earning chuckles from the crowd around him and a growl from Xander as he released me.

"Thank you all for coming," he announced, ignoring Huck. "I'm honored to call you my pack."

In one grand movement as if choreographed, they all bowed their heads toward him. Unsure of what to do next, I followed Xander as he walked through the yard to the little table that was set up with a variety of food that I hadn't expected. I had told Blythe the type of cake I wanted for him, but one look at it told me she had made it. It was lovely, a long sheet cake with white icing and forest green trees along the sides of the cake. On the top laid a picture of Xander, a genuine smile on his lips, gray-blue eyes lit up in joy.

We sat down at the middle table that based on the decor was definitely for him. Ella and a very happy Beau came and sat with us, along with Blythe. Throughout the meal Xander took every chance to brush my hair out of my face, lay his hand on my knee, or kiss my hand. Pack members started coming over and wishing him happy birthday. For the most part, I kept my eyes down and ignored them, only listening to the admiration in their voices. They really respected him, and it filled me with pride.

"Alexander, happy, happy birthday," a high voice came from beside me, its familiarity grabbing my attention. I looked up to find Callie, Maeve, and Delilah standing over me, not paying me any attention.

What are they doing here?

I told you they wanted to come stay with us for a few days.... I heard Xander's voice in my head. I really needed to get to work on keeping him out.

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