Chapter Twenty-Four

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Mara Leigh 

It was so weird being back home. I didn't even know what to do with myself. For hours I just sat on the couch, my unpacked bag beside of me, and stared at the blank screen of the TV. 

It was hard to believe that Xander hadn't called me. He hadn't even tried to mind-link with me. I could still see his face earlier as he stood outside the gates of his house, watching as Blythe drove me away. I'd watched him until I couldn't see him anymore through the side mirror of his truck. Blythe thankfully hadn't tried to chat with me on the way back. I could tell she knew that even though I wasn't mad at her, I wasn't happy with how things were working out.  

She had, however, said something that stuck in my mind as she dropped me off.  

"I know I said that you wouldn't be in pain now that you're marked. But that doesn't mean there won't be other effects..." I could remember the glum look on her face as she said it that had made me dread whatever it was.   

A loud male voice came from outside, startling me into a standing position. The familiarity of it sent me running to the door. I was more than slightly let down to see Huck and Chasin standing outside the door. I'd forgotten that I would have guard surrounding me now.  

"Hey Mara," Huck said, holding his hand up for a high five. I half enthusiastically gave him one.  

"Well aren't you thrilled to see me?" he asked. It made me smile a little. "Chasin here thought it'd be a good idea for us to volunteer to guard you." 

I looked to the indifferent twin beside Huck in surprise. "You missed me, huh?" I teased him. 

Surprisingly he grinned back. Briefly, but still a grin.  

"Actually, since you're still up, Xander would like me to pass on a message to you." 

I rolled my eyes. So he couldn't just call or tell me himself. He had to use a pack mind-link. He never fails to astound me. 

Huck took that as permission to continue. "He said that you need to call your aunt and explain the lie. Whatever that means. And he wants you to be prepared for whatever your parents ask you in the morning. He said to be as truthful as possible with them." 

I just nodded and didn't question what he wanted. But I did have other questions. 

"Why did you guys volunteer exactly?" I asked. "The truth, please." 

Huck just let out a sad chuckle and looked at Chasin, who spoke up. 

"Well, I knew that Xander would be having fits from not being around you. I thought it'd be nice if we gave him a way to somewhat be." 

"Allow me to elaborate his vague answer," Huck smiled. "We've offered to let Xander take turns in our minds so that he can monitor you regardless of him not physically being able to be here." 

My mouth dropped open. Dang. Talk about good friends. 

Huck laughed. "He said, 'She doesn't look happy'." 

"Well I guess I'm just a little surprised that he's watching through your mind like a TV." 

"It's a little more complex than that," Chasin corrected. "He can sense what we sense. So if we were to sense someone coming, he'd know as soon as we did." 

"He wants you to go to bed now," Huck sighed, reflecting how I felt. 

"He can wait a minute," I said. "One more question. If he's in y'all's mind, it means he can't be in mine right?" 

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