Acknowledgements and Author's Note

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My book-loving family,

I want to dedicate this book to my person. Without her hyping me up about finishing Verge of Insanity, and pre-reading all my chapters or potential chapters, this book would've never seen the epilogue.

The end of Verge of Insanity has been a long time in the making. I started this story just looking for something to do in the summers in between college and didn't finish before life took me different ways. As bad as the current pandemic is, if it wasn't for the time I've been allowed off work, I don't know that I ever would have been able to finish. But I am so glad that I've had the opportunity to bring Mara Leigh's story to a close.

Thank you all for reading, commenting, and sharing in this story with me. I have read all the comments. I have seen the messages sent to me. And it makes me so happy to -after so long- be able to post the last chapter.

Some of you may have also read the posted chapters of my book Forever Taken. This book follows the story of Luna Mirabelle Grey and her mate, Asher. It will also be finished soon. I am in the process of writing the end half of the book, and will post the chapters just as I did in Verge of Insanity- all at once. Please find a short excerpt from the book below.

Once again, thank all of you. Thank you for every comment, every vote, and for sticking with the story this long. 

Much love,


Forever Taken

"And here you've kidnapped a cop," I continued. "I don't know what you're thinking. Why?"

"I can't explain that right now, you wouldn't understand."

"Don't tell me what I will or won't understand!" I yelled. She looked down at her hands, not looking ashamed. I took a deep breath and calmed myself. "When will you let me go?"

"I won't."

"But you have to!" I raised my voice again. "I have a family that will miss me."

She growled at me, getting in my face. I had thought her eyes had been light blue, but they seemed navy now.

"You. Are. Mine."

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