Chapter Nine

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Mara Leigh

I packed all my things and Duffy into my car, feeling apprehensive. Every few seconds I checked over my shoulder, expecting to feel Xander behind me, knowing he'd be furious if he caught me. I hated to admit that I was scared of what he would do if he were to show up and see me leaving. 

Also I hated to admit that my stomach hurt at the thought of leaving him. I used that fact to fuel my will to leave. I couldn't stay here with all that's happened. And I can't stay in one place for too long. At least not until he gives me up. Surely after a few years he'll get over this craziness, right?

Something whispered in the back of my mind that he wouldn't. But I had faith I could do this. It just saddened me to leave Beau. He'd finally noticed me and now I had to leave him. All thanks to some stupid, moronic dog. 

Tires moving down the dirt road made me freeze with my head in my trunk. Suddenly nausea overcame me, and I felt tears running down my cheeks uninvited. 

No! my thoughts cried. It can't be over! I didn't even get an hour away. Blythe was supposed to keep him at home! He's going to lock me in his basement for the rest of my life. 

I cried harder as footsteps crunched through the dirt of my driveway, nearing my car. I couldn't help how loud my sobs came. I was just so embarrassed and ashamed to be caught. I hated that I'd failed. The steps halted beside the trunk, and I stilled, awaiting punishment I had feared would come. 

"Mara Leigh?" The sound of Beau's confused voice relaxed me instantly. I collapsed to the ground, looking up at him. 

"Thank God it's just you," I whispered. 

It was quiet for a few moments, as I got up and dusted myself off. I had the feeling he didn't know what to say. 

"Please don't ask," I murmured. I shouldn't be emotionally worn at eight in the morning. 

"Where are you going?" he asked anyway. 

I just shook my head. He didn't need to know. But he didn't take that for an answer. As I went to walk around him to the porch, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

"What's this about?" he demanded. "Why does it look like you're leaving?"

Sighing, I whispered, "Because I am, Beau."

"Not without me."

That made me look up at him. This was going to turn into a fight quickly, I could feel it. 

"You can't go with me," I almost yelled. Time was wasting. I needed to go then. There wasn't time for an argument. 

Beau's face fell. "When you asked for space, I let you have it. I didn't argue. When you needed me to not talk to you I didn't, did I? Well now you tell me that those weren't enough, and you're picking up and running away, and I'm not fine with that."

His voice had rose in volume and speed as he'd finished talking. I knew there was going to be more if I let him continue. I cut in, not daring to waste more time than I had to.

"I'm sorry," I started.

"Really?" he asked. "Because it really doesn't seem like you are. You weren't even going to tell me goodbye were you?"

Unable to answer, I just looked at him. He let go of me and stepped back, running his hand through his dark hair.

"I thought we had something," he whispered, staring at the ground.

Tears swelled in my eyes again, and I wanted to scream. Why did this all have to happen now? Why couldn't he have told me this earlier?

"I guess maybe it was just me," he continued. "I'm sorry I've been hanging around you so much that you would have to run away to get me to leave."

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