Chapter Thirty Nine

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Mara Leigh

"You what?!" I almost yelled. I could feel my anger boiling under my skin.

Xander didn't know what to say, obvious chagrin covering his face. I'd just gotten a warning from Ella, who was patrolling with Beau, that the Rogers sisters were coming down the driveway. They were driving, so she was sure they had suitcases with them.

And when I asked Xander why they were coming, he told me 'I approved their request to join the pack.'

What the heck is he thinking! my mind raged.

"Mara, I've been researching them for months now!" he tried to explain. "There was no reason for me not to allow them to join."

"No reason?" I fumed. "Them running their skanky asses around here acting like you don't have a mate isn't a reason?"

Xander's eyes grew wide. I rarely used foul language. He actually had the decency to blush. I could've slapped him. It had been weeks since the claiming. I was feeling more angst by the day because I hadn't shifted. Xander wouldn't tell me this, but I knew he had already given up the hope that I would be able to shift.

And here we were, the day before my birthday, and the hoes were back. By his invitation, even. I'd lost my ability to have patience with anything lately. I hated how angry I was able to get so fast, but I couldn't stop it.

"Do you want them around because your mate can't shift?" I whispered. "Is that what this is about?"

"Mara Leigh!" He almost growled at me. "You know that's not even a thought in my mind!"

I sat down in the chair in front of his desk, putting my face in my hands. Xander was up in a second, kneeling in front of me, and holding my waist.

"I know you're struggling right now," he whispered. "I know this isn't coming at the best time. But I need to know you trust that you're the only woman I ever want to touch."

I nodded through my hands. I knew that. I just couldn't stand them.

Why am I acting like this?

"I know." Tears were running down my face. "I'm so sorry, Xander."

He pulled me up into a tight hug. "You don't have to see them. You can go to the cottage and I'll meet you there after they're settled in."

"Heck no," I sniffled. "You're not going to see them either. Send Huck or Chasin."

Xander looked like he was about to argue.

"Xander Hawthorne, I am not sitting in the cottage waiting on them to get through flirting so you can come to me."

His face changed. I could see that he realized there was no way out of it.

"Okay," he finally said. "But it is a snub for the Alpha to not greet new members. I'll send some type of excuse with Huck. He's probably the friendliest of the three you listed."

I frowned. I should've just offered Clay.

"Would you like to give the order to Huck?" he asked, making a peace offering.

"Sure," I took the offer, just being happy for some peace after that moment of insanity.

I could hear the car's tires on the gravel outside, and knew that they would be in the house in a couple of minutes.

Huck, I called out, waiting for him to respond. I knew I'd get faster later on, but right now I felt like if I didn't wait for him to respond, how would I know he heard me.

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