Chapter Seventeen

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I had just closed my eyes when screaming came from the bed. I stood so that I could see Ella. She lay there, moving as if in a fight, moaning, "No! No!"

An urge ran through me to go to her, but I stayed where I was, hugging the wall behind me. Her screams and moans hurt me, even more deeply than Mara Leigh's had. I had taken a step toward her when the bedroom door slammed open and Xander and Mara stepped inside. I stepped back against the wall, hoping that he wouldn't think I had done something to her.

 "You can't have him!" Ella burst out, making us all jump.

Xander went to her side, holding her the best he could with her swinging arms. 

"Ella!" he said loudly, causing her to stop flailing. "Ella. It's just a dream."

Slowly she woke, tears streaming down her face. Her eyes went straight to me, they'd gotten dark, almost black. 

"Was the dream about Garrett?" Xander whispered.

Ella nodded, not taking her eyes away from me. "He wanted Beau."

"He can't do anything to you," Xander told her. "I promise."

Ella nodded and wiped her eyes, sniffling. She still was watching me, like she thought I was going to disappear if she looked away. I glanced over at Mara, who looked surprised as all get out at the state Ella was in. Knowing how Mara felt about her, I could understand how it was unexpected.

Ella's mom came in with a glass of milk, and I realized that this must have been a frequent occurence. It made me wonder who this Garrett was and what made Ella have nightmares about him. 

Drinking the milk down, Ella handed the glass back to her mom and lay back down, still watching me. I heard Xander clear his throat and looked over at him. He nodded his head toward the door, and I got up and followed him, wondering what he wanted.

Ella's mom took Mara's hand and pulled her subtly down the hallway. I heard Mara ask, "What's up, Blythe?" 

Oh. It's Blythe. Well now I know.

I glanced back at where Xander stood, watching me. I waited for him to yell at me for something, but nothing came. 

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Why didn't you go to her?"

That wasn't what I expected. I answered his inquiry with a question of my own. "Who is Garrett?"  

 "Ella's brother."

If he abused her.... I stopped, unable to believe the rush of fury that had flashed through my body. I had wanted to kill him, and I didn't even know the whole story. Trying to tell myself that my reaction was a normal reaction to the possible abuse of any woman, I refocused on Xander.

"Why is she scared?" I asked.

He rubbed his temples, looking exhausted. For the first time since I'd met him, he seemed human. 

"I think that's something for her to talk to you about," he answered. "Now why were you on the floor? And why will you talk to the rest of us but not her?"

I didn't answer. He seemed annoyed.

"Answer me."

I fought not to roll my eyes, knowing he'd blacken them. "She gave Mara Leigh hell at school. When Mara told me what all she'd done, I wasn't happy. You wouldn't be either."

He considered that. "But you shouldn't hold whatever she did against her, as she is your mate. I'm sure she had her reasons not to like Mara, as you two were together then. She had every right to be as angry as I was when I found you." 

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