Chapter Fourteen

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Mara Leigh

Two hours later I had unpacked my things and had treated myself to a long hot shower. The bathtub was more like a jacuzzi, and I had to admit that I could get used to it.

I was expecting Xander to come back anytime. I had things I needed to ask. It was so boring to just sit in the room, but at least it was comfortable. 

Something told me that Blythe had decorated the whole house, including Xander's room. I couldn't see him decorating something like this for himself. It was too...magazine looking.

The silence of the room mixed with the boredom I felt slowly put me to sleep. It was a little after eight when I woke up. Xander still wasn't in the room.

Ugh! I don't want to just sit here, it's boring. But I don't know my way around the house. 

Honestly, not knowing my way wouldn't have stopped me if it weren't for the fact that I knew there were people surrounding me that could morph into giant dog-people with sharp teeth and snouts. 

Deciding to snoop, I got up and went to the nightstand beside the bed. There was nothing on top of it, so I pulled it's drawer open. It was empty except for a pocket watch and a picture. I picked up the picture first, examining the people in it.

Blythe was the first person I recognized. She looked exactly the same, except that her hair was in a curly bob. There was a man beside her that I didn't remember seeing when I'd met the pack. He had his arm around Blythe and was smiling down at a small child holding the leg of his pants.

I could guess from the hair color that matched Blythe's that the child was Xander, and my mind filled in that the man must be his dad.  I had a suspicion of why I had yet to meet him, but I wouldn't ask. 

Sitting the picture back into the drawer, I pulled out the pocket watch. The gold chain chimed a little as I held it. The design on the cover reminded me of something, but what?

That cuff bracelet from Xander. That's what it is. They match.

The clock on the inside was light gray with white numbers and gold hands.

It's lovely, I thought, sitting it back down in the drawer and trying to arrange it to look like I hadn't touched it.

After a quick glance under his bed I moved to the dresser beside the one my stuff was in. Opening the top drawer I peeked inside and shut it back quickly. I was not about to go through his underwear. I opened the next one and the next one until I'd been through them all and confirmed that they were all full of clothes.

If he has all his clothes in drawers, then why does he have a closet?

To answer my question, I walked over and opened the closet. It was a walk in closet, with only a few jackets hanging in it and some shoes in the floor. I flicked it's light switch on and almost jumped when a huge gun case was revealed. I hadn't noticed it in the dark. I flipped the lights back off and shut the door.

I'd looked everywhere, but I hadn't found my drawing pad or my key.

I stuck my head out of the bedroom door and looked down both sides of the hallway. I didn't see anyone, but I didn't dare try to leave. It would only make me want to find Beau, and I knew where ever Beau was, his wolf would be.

'His wolf'? Geez, Mara Leigh, now you've started talking like them. 

Shutting the door back, I went and got under the covers of the bed. It was nearly ten, and I wasn't the least bit sleepy. Covering up my head, I lay and wonder where Xander had gone to. I couldn't stop thinking about where he could be. 

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