Chapter Twenty-Three

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****I know it has been a while since the last update. Like, a whole school year. I strongly, strongly suggest that you re-read the last chapter in order to remember what's going on. Remember, Xander marked her. They DID NOT sleep together. So she ain't pregnant. And you may have to go over the story about Blythe's friend from her youth again in order to remember what happened to cause Blythe to be so upset about the marking... Thanks for reading :)***

Mara Leigh

As I slowly came awake, a throbbing in my neck and cramps raging in my belly brought on memories of what had happened between Xander and I. I could smell bacon from somewhere in the room, making my stomach growl.

Mixed with the smell of bacon was another scent that I knew. A wonderful, natural smell.


I blinked, unable to fathom how I could possibly be smelling him so strongly. He didn't always smell this strongly, did he? Cracking my eyes open and forcing them to stay open, I found him sitting on the bed beside me, a tray of food in his hands.

Hmmm, a "good morning"-whoops-"afternoon" apology BLT...

He looked like he hadn't slept in days. His worry was evident, etched in the hard planes of his face. My hands ached to touch him, but I held back, astounded at the feelings running through me. The pain in my belly and neck were forgotten. All I wanted to do was curl into a ball in his lap.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered.

I frowned, unhappy that he sounded so rough, but still too mad about how he'd gone about marking me to be able to assure him that everything was fine.

It should've been my choice too, I thought, thinking about how scary having teeth clamping into my neck had been.

Briefly I wondered if Beau had gone crazy on Ella like Xander had on me. Ella wouldn't have been so peaceful the next day had her marking gone this way, she-wolf or not, I decided.

Xander cringed, looking as if I'd hurt him. "I couldn't stop it."

I just nodded, once again taken aback by the regret in his voice.

Does he regret it? I thought he'd be happy....

"I'll never regret it," he whispered.

I gasped, realizing he'd just answered my thoughts. What the crap?

"Yes, I can hear your thoughts. But you can turn them off to me whenever you like."

I just nodded, taking it in. Must have been a new marking thing.

Like how Beau can hear the pack....

"Pretty much."

I glared at him, wondering when I'd learn how to control what he hears. Xander glanced up at me and smiled a little, making me smile too. His face seemed to lighten the least little bit, and he sat the tray of food on the table beside the bed.

Unable to help myself, I sat up and slid myself over into his side, only to have him recoil from me and stand. I looked up at him, shocked.

"If you will please just not touch me, Mara Leigh."

I raised an eyebrow. "You decide to just go off your rocker and assault and bite me last night, and now you don't want me touching you? Really now?"

He hesitated, and I swung my legs over the side of the bed, crossing my arms. He had to be kidding me.

"There's pain pills on the tray for your cramps," he muttered, the sad tone from earlier returning.

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