Chapter Ten

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Mara Leigh

I awoke to the smell of bacon. As far as I could feel, the bed around me was empty. 

Cracking my eyes open, I sat up and searched the room for Beau. He sat at the table with his head down. I wanted to get up and hug him, but was too nervous. 

You're his girlfriend now, my mind whispered to me. You're allowed to comfort him. So get to it. 

That made me realize that I hadn't dreamed it last night, and this great person really was my boyfriend. He must have felt my eyes on him because he sat up and looked at me. 

"Morning, Mara."

He seemed sad. I didn't like it. I got up slowly and walked over to him, looking at the tray of breakfast on the table. 

"Have you ate?" I asked, picking up a piece of bacon and eating it.

He shook his head. His hair was disheveled, and I let myself straighten it out with my fingers. I had only planned to quickly fix it, but when I saw the smile on his face I took it as permission to take my time. 

"How long do we plan on staying here?" he wondered when I finished with his hair. 

"Hmm. I hadn't really thought about it."

He considered that as I sat down and started separating our food. He picked up a fork and ate with me, contemplating. He was so good looking, even when he was newly awake. If only Ella Barton could see us now. I'd pay to see her face. 

Thoughts of Ella brought up school. I couldn't just drop out of school. There was only a little bit longer before I would graduate. But I couldn't go to another school, because I didn't have any transfer papers. 

"What are we going to do about school?" I asked as he finished eating.

"It's handled. Currently we are on a reconstruction trip that will not count against our attendance or grades," he smiled.

"How could you possibly pull that? Is that what you told your mom?"

He laughed. "Things aren't that bad for you when your mom is the mayor. And no, I didn't tell my mom that. That's what she's telling the school."

"Oh," I said, mulling it over. "Then what'd you tell your mom?" 

"I told her the truth. That you have an issue you're having to deal with on your own, and it's making you have to leave suddenly. I explained that I can't let you be alone, and that I'd keep in touch." 

"And she understood?" I had trouble believing any parent would let their only child go running off with some girl they barely knew.

"Not at first. But when I told her you didn't have anyone else, she lightened up. Told me she was proud of me for needing to help you." 

I nodded, unsure of whether I should feel mad that he thought I needed his help. 

"What'd you tell your parents?" he asked, and put the breakfast tray outside the door. 

I walked back over to the bed and fell onto it. "I told them I felt like taking a trip."

"They didn't care?" 

"Not a bit."

I saw him shake his head in distaste, but he didn't say anything. He headed to the bathroom and I heard the shower running. It wouldn't be long before we'd have to get him some clothes.

I lazily drifted back off to sleep as I listened to the shower run. My dream this time was one from several nights ago. Again I was being chased through the woods by a dark figure. I couldn't see it's face, but I knew it was Xander. I'd known for a while, but it didn't comfort me any. I still ran as fast as I could, wanting nothing more than to get away from him. 

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