Chapter Twelve

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Mara Leigh's screams echoed through the room, waking me. I jumped up and ran to the bed, expecting to see her wrestling with an intruder. But what I found was worse, and stopped me in my tracks.

She was writhing on the bed, her face contorted in agony. I'd never seen someone in so much pain. 

Kneeling beside her, I tried to pull her to me. As my hands made contact with her shoulders, she shrieked in pain. I let go instantly and moved my hand back and forth in front of her unfocused eyes.

"Mara!" I yelled, trying to get her to reply. I repeated her name several times and snapped in front of her face to no avail. 

Her breathing was low and shallow, a wheezing sound coming from her lips. 

Her phone was beside her, and I grabbed it, hoping it would tell me what was going on. According to her calls, she'd called Xander earlier. Something told me he'd had something to do with this.

I searched her texts, pausing as she moaned to look at her pale face. I needed to figure it out and help her. 

The last message Xander sent read, "You need me. Just admit it and tell me where you are. I can make it stop."

I felt like I was drowning in confusion. From a quick glance at their conversation I could see that she hadn't texted him at all, so how'd he know about her hurting? How could he make it stop?

Mara shrieked once again, bringing my focus back to her. I tried touching her arm to get her attention, but once again she screamed and thrashed at my touch. 

"Do you want me to call him?" I asked, selfishly praying she'd say no. If he could help her, I should want her to say to call him.

I didn't think she was going to answer me and was surprised when she shook her head slightly.

"I... don't... want him...." she moaned. 

I sat back and watched her writhing, unsure of what to do. 

If he can help call him! But then she'll be mad at me for it. What if he takes her away and I never see her again? 

"Can I call an ambulance?" I asked. I'd never felt so helpless. 

"No!" she shrilled. At least she was communicating now. 

A fit of screams overcame her, and I sat back and tried not to panic.

What are you gonna do, just sit here and watch her like a television show? 

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't just let her hurt. Every scream and moan she made hurt me. I could see her pain clearly, and for the first time in ten years, I wanted to cry.  

Would you rather Mara be in pain or with the psycho that's been stalking her? my mind asked. 

I was screwed either way. The Xander guy would take her away from me, I had no doubt, but he knew what was happening with Mara and wanted to help her. Surely if he could make this hurting stop it would be worth it. I could help her get away after she was better.  

Mara Leigh screamed once more, the loudest and longest I'd heard yet. My mind was made up. 

I took her phone and called him. Surprisingly, he answered after the first ring.

"Where are you, Mara?" 

Well he sounds like a tough guy. No wonder Mara's running.

"I'll tell you if you can help her," I said, deepening my voice to match his. 

"I can help her a hell of a lot better than you. Now where is she?" 

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