Chapter Twenty Eight

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Mara Leigh

Graduation is tomorrow, and even though only a month and a half has passed since Xander's birthday, I felt like it had been a year. Blythe hadn't wanted Xander to come over, knowing that my parents had left me alone again. The knowledge of that made it even harder on Xander to let me be alone, and he had upped my guard.

I knew as I sat alone in the living room that Huck and Chasin were outside, maybe even Clay. The latter had been taking turns switching shifts with either of the Betas so that one of the three could always be with Xander at the pack mansion.

I still had Xander blocked out of my mind unless I wanted to talk to him or feel him in my head. There was something empowering about being able to control what he knew about what was going on with my mind. More so than him just not being able to read it like before the marking, but that I was able to control what he heard. He wasn't thrilled, and regularly made use of the cell phone he had given me.

Sitting in the living room reading a book was peaceful until the cell started vibrating, informing me that Xander was wanting to talk.

"Hey babe," he said, quietly, making me smile.

"Hmmm?" I questioned.

"Are your parents attending graduation tomorrow morning?"

I chuckled, not with humor. "They wouldn't be there even if I wanted them to be."

"That really pisses me off--" he started, already heated. My man was always quick to go from zero to one hundred.

"Xander, honey, it's fine. I honestly just want you, Blythe, Ella, and Beau there. I could care less about my parents."

He sighed and let it go, changing topics, "What are you wearing tomorrow? I want to match you."


"Is that not what human couples do?" I was sure he was grinning. "I want everyone to automatically know you are mine."

"They don't matter," I laughed.

He growled playfully. "Everyone's got to know it. If I catch a man staring I will remove their ability to stare."

Even with the playful tone I didn't doubt the truth behind the statement. I ignored it and answered his question.

"I'll be in a white dress with pink and red flowers with some nude heels."

"You're wearing heels willingly?" he asked, obviously shocked.

I chuckled. I wouldn't normally wear heels but there was something about it that made me feel sexy and I wanted to feel that tomorrow for the first time seeing him in over a month.

"How about you just wear a white button down, your khakis, and a pink bowtie...?"

"I can do that...." He paused. "The dress isn't short is it?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's as long as my panty line."

There came the real growl. Before he could get all pissy I stopped him.

"Chill Alpha, i'm just kidding. It's knee length."

"Better be."

"Just because of that I'm gonna cut the length tonight and make it into a miniskirt."

"Don't make me come over there, Mara Leigh."

"I dare you," I giggled, knowing Blythe wouldn't let him out the door.

We talked on the phone for another three hours, making me have to move upstairs to plug my phone up to charge. Xander had long stopped asking why I wanted to block him from my mind, and he didn't bring it up this time.

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