Chapter Thirty One

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Mara Leigh

It was the longest wait of my life. I had tried many times to connect with Xander's mind, and he wasn't there.

Ella was unmoving beside me, barely holding herself up.

"Have you been able to reach Beau?" I asked as quietly as I could.

She slightly nodded. "He knows what's happening."

Tears of frustration fought to come out. "Xander isn't answering me."

Ella's eyes widened. "Let me try."

He wouldn't respond to her either.

"Let me ask Beau," she whispered. A minute later her face relaxed. "He is focused on finding us. Beau has been keeping track of you for him. He knows everything. Xander is going to warn you before it starts."

I let out a breath of relief. I was craving his voice and the peace knowing he was hearing me would bring, but I was just happy he was there at all. I was scared to let hope fill me.

"Does Beau know what all has happened to you?" I hated to ask, because I wasn't even sure what had happened to her.

She shook her head. "I don't want to cause him to be distracted right now. I know he's with them, and even though he won't be able to fight, I just want him to be able to focus on staying alive."

There was no doubt in my mind that if Beau saw her right now that he would go ballistic. Being mostly human, he wouldn't stand a chance.

Mara Leigh, I almost jumped at the familiar voice in my mind.


It's time. As soon as you see the fight break out, run.

We will, I responded, my nerves shaking me.

Seconds later yelling and snarling erupted from the crowd of rogues in front of us. Groups of wolves were coming out of the trees from almost every angle at them, tearing through the group.

I didn't realize we had such a big pack, I thought, looking around. I had been afraid of being outnumbered, but relief filled me as I saw that that shouldn't be an issue.

Ella snapped me out of it, yelling at our guard, "It's time!"

The girl was on us immediately, removing the chains as quickly as she could. As soon as we were free, we ran for the only area that had no one fighting. I tried to ignore the snarls coming from the forest around us and the whining of injured wolves.

I didn't make it far before my body started giving out. The guard and Ella grabbed me and almost dragged me at least fifty yards more. They stopped at a large oak and we all dunked behind it's trunk. We could still hear sounds from the fighting.

Where are you, I asked Xander. We're not far from where they're fighting.

Stay there, he quickly responded.

Be careful! I hated not being able to do anything to protect him or the rest of the pack.

"He said to stay here," I informed the others. They both nodded, both of their eyes examining all around us.

"What's your name?" I finally asked the female rogue.

"Morgan," she responded, sounding unsure if she should answer.

I smiled at her. "My name is Mara Leigh, and this is Ella. And we both thank you for getting us away from them."

Morgan blushed. "Thank you for my new home."

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