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"I want you to call me as soon as you can, Evie," my aunt proclaimed, as soon as I stepped outside the door. She always worried about me and she had her reasons to. Reasons that would've persuaded me to worry if I was in her shoes.

"Don't worry I will. Have fun without me, Aunt Primrose. Tell Uncle Noah goodbye from me as well." She smiled and waved me off when I got into my car and started driving off in the direction of Ashby University. I was very grateful to have gotten a scholarship otherwise the rest of my life would've been spent in Hollow. The town was fairly quiet during the academic year and only got a bit exciting when all the children of the neighbourhood came back from university. Hollow was an old town where everyone grew up together so when I first moved here after my Mother's accident I was the outsider. I was the alien. University was the fresh start to my life as everyone in my year were bound to be newcomers. We could all be aliens together.

Thankfully, the traffic on the way to Ashby was fairly light therefore I got to the university in about an hour and a half, which was fairly quick considering the long distance. I slowly stepped out of the car and set my eyes upon the building. The building I'd be staying at for the next three years. It was an ancient university and it was fairly evident. The beautiful historic architecture of the building surrounded by miles of breathtaking greenery was a sight for sore eyes.

After I had registered and received my dorm key, I trudged up the stairs carrying parts of my luggage as there was too much to bring all at once. Before I could even unlock the door I could hear a voice yelling at herself for being so foolish. That must've been my roommate.

As she was in deep critical thought, I entered the room quietly so that my presence remained unknown. Her being unconscious of my arrival didn't last long as she looked up at me and grinned.

"Hi! I'm Faye. Nice to meet you..."

"Evelyn. And it's nice to meet you too, Faye," she brought her hand out for me to, I assumed, shake but instead it was the starting point to bring me into a hug.

"Sorry, I'm a hugger. What're you studying, Evelyn?" Faye sat back on her bed and I sat on mine facing her.

"I'm studying Psychology," I said, making Faye's sky blue eyes widen in astonishment.

"That's a hard subject. Are you planning on becoming a psychologist?"

"No, I'm doing Psychology as an undergraduate degree and then continuing Neuroscience as a postgraduate degree. I'd like to be a neuroscientist. What about you, Faye?" I explained before tossing the conversation back over to her side.

"I'm studying Architecture. Nothing as fancy as you."

"Nonsense, Faye! To do Architecture you'd need Maths and Physics at A-Level and they certainly aren't easy. You're very smart otherwise you wouldn't be at Ashby."

"You're very nice, Evelyn. My friend will be popping round in a bit. Just warning you she's crazier than me." I smiled and got back to unpacking. Faye helped me hang up my shirts whilst I put my shoes in the drawers along with my jeans and shorts.

"I have one more suitcase downstairs so I'm just going to get that," I explained. Faye nodded and diverted her attention back to folding and hanging. On the way downstairs something fell on my head. It thankfully wasn't anything wet otherwise I would've been in the worst mood for the rest of the day.

"I'm so sorry. I was bringing something to my friend and it seems to have fallen out of my hands and dropped on your head," she explained. Her voice was soft and light, it was a nice sound to hear. I grabbed the pillow cover off of my head and waited for her to come down the stairs and get it from me.

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