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That word was constantly being echoed around the house nowadays every since Wyatt first learnt it and that's one of the only words that he does know. He came running towards me and hugged my legs. I laughed softly and went to pick him up. I had Wyatt when I was twenty-five, which was earlier than I would've liked but I had no regrets having him this early. 

"How's my baby doing?" I asked, stroking his cheek causing him to smile. He was a very happy baby but that meant he was also very loud. After having Wyatt I realised that every happiness that I had experienced prior to his birth couldn't compare to the joy I had when I first saw his little red face. All the pain that I went through to bring him to the world suddenly vanished and all I was left with was euphoria at the sight of my little boy. I'm glad to say that Wyatt resembles me the most but he does have his father's eyes.  

I took Wyatt downstairs where his grandfather was waiting to take him from me.

"There's my little grandson," Dad said, rising from the sofa and opening his arms up for Wyatt. One of the most excited people about my pregnancy was my dad and it looked like he was more ecstatic than anyone else. Wyatt willingly went into his grandfather's arms and after I narrated everything that my dad had to do I let them go on their walk. 

After checking the time I realised I was meant to meet with Hayden in fifteen minutes so I dashed upstairs to get ready. I pulled my hair into a neat ponytail and threw on a blouse with some jeans. 

I grabbed the keys off the counter and got in my car to go to the cafe that Hayden wanted to meet at. 

He was obviously already there, visible through the window with his mouth attached to the drink he ordered. Hayden noticed me from the window and stood up and waved. I walked in, placed my order and went to the table Hayden was seated at. 

"Evie, I haven't seen you in such a long time!" Hayden exclaimed. 

"You came to my house two days ago, Hayden."

"Which means I haven't seen my nephew or my best friend in two days either."

"I'm sure Wyatt misses your constant presence in our house, Hayden," I laughed before thanking the server for handing me my drink. 

"How're you, Evie?" any sense of humour vanished and the atmosphere suddenly turned serious.

"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

"You know what I'm asking. How're you with Rowan gone?"

I took a short sip from my drink and sighed, "It's hard raising a two year-old by yourself but there's nothing wrong with it. I miss Rowan a lot. However, I am coping. The house is really quiet whenever Wyatt sleeps and it used to be filled with Rowan's voice."

"I was just remembering the days when you were pregnant and Rowan had to frequently go to hospital. Despite how difficult it was for the both of you, you still went to university and ended u[ getting your degrees. You especially had it hard between dealing with your painful back, your long lectures and running to the hospital. I applaud you, Evelyn Hastings."

"Thank you, Hayden Carter. Has Mason forgiven you for coming home late?"

"Of course he has. No one can resist my sad face so he eventually gave in and then we made up in our usual fashion," he smirked and I instantly got the message, making my face retort in minor disgust.

"I don't want to know about what occurs in your bedroom, Hayden Carter."

"Likewise," he laughed. "Does Wyatt ask for Rowan, Evie?" And this topic had to be brought up again. 

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