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Hayden took me back to the my dad's house when the sun rose. Neither of us bothered to say a word to each other and neither of us had the energy to either. Hayden's hand over mine was all the communication both of us needed right now. Once he stopped outside my house neither of us made a move to leave. 

"Evie, have hope," Hayden said softly, looking straight towards the road ahead.

"When you have hope you have disappointment and I don't want to be disappointed any longer." I said, my gaze directed towards the my window. 

"He's going to survive this, Evelyn. Don't give up on him."

"I wasn't planning on it, Hayden."


"Evelyn Lawson, where did you go last night?" Dad asked as I descended the stairs with my bag on my shoulder. I ignored his question as I headed towards the door.

"Evelyn, I'm asking you something and I want to know before you go to university." Yet again I ignored him as I picked up my jacket from the rack. I didn't want to go through another moment of instability so I refused to answer.

"Evelyn Willow Grace Lawson, where did you go last night?" He yelled, standing right in front of me and refusing me the ability to leave.

"To see Rowan," I said sharply, looking him straight in the eye.

"At midnight?" He seemed truly baffled about my decision to run out of the house so suddenly. "Why would you do that?"

"Because Rowan's in a bloody coma, Dad! A coma he wasn't supposed to be in for a long while!" I bursted out, losing any stability I had mustered up before coming downstairs. The anger seemingly melted off his face immediately as he took a step back from me. 

"How?" he asked, still in shock of what I had just revealed. 

"For two months Rowan didn't even know he had the cancer and the type he has only has a forty-percent rate of curability in his age group. It got out of control because the treatments weren't working and now he's in hospital," I said bluntly.

"Evie honey," Dad stepped towards me in an attempt to comfort me but I stepped back and avoided his comfort. 


"Honey, you look dead inside," he said softly, looking at me with a worried expression. 

"That's because I am."

I shut the door behind me as I left for my class and wiped away any stubborn tears that made their way out of my eye. As hard as I tried to wipe them away they just kept on escaping and trailing down my cheek.

"For fuck's sake stop crying!" I yelled at myself, grabbing the attention of a few workers on the lawn. I hastily walked towards my car and sat there for a few moments trying my hardest to stop crying. 

I blinked away all the tears as I drove back to campus where I spotted Hayden leaning against one of the walls of the Psychology building. I locked the car and made my way towards him. His gaze was fixated on his phone and he only diverted his attention when I tapped his shoulder. 

His hard look softened when he noticed me and he gave me a short smile. Hayden swung his arm over my shoulder and pulled me into him.

"Life's still going on, isn't it?" he asked me with a deep sigh as he looked towards the door. 

"It has to. It's not going to stop just because some of us are having a very bad day." I shrugged, beginning the walk to enter the building. 

"Well let's get this over and done with."

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