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The mint green dress I was clad in fit me perfectly, but my posture was sloppy due to the massive cast on my leg that's dragging me down as I walk. The intricate lace detail on the bodice caught my eye when I was shopping online, and after a confirmation from Rowan that I actually was going to his parents' party did I buy the dress.

Wearing heels tonight was out of the question unless I wanted to slip and die and end up breaking both of my legs this time. I slid my feet into my white pumps just before a knock on the door was heard.

"You're early," I said, stepping back as I took in every aspect of Rowan in a tuxedo. If I thought he looked handsome before then I ran out of adjectives to describe how he looks now.

"That's because I missed you. The week long break is over and I've come back home to you." I didn't reply to that but the little creatures inside my stomach who were fluttering around decided to have a party. "My parents are looking forward to meeting you and they're not snobby or judgemental, I swear."

"I'm looking forward to meeting your parents too."

"Isn't it custom for the boy to meet the girl's family first?"

"We're dat-uh we're not getting married, Rowan." If he noticed my little slip up then he didn't mention it. I wasn't sure what title our relationship had but I did know that right now the two of us were happy, and that's all that counts. He offered his arm and I clasped his bicep in my hand as we stepped outside. Hayden and Cyrus were already downstairs with their own tuxes on. Hayden clearly hated his formal attire but Cyrus, on the other hand, loved it.

"Evelyn, are your legs tired? Cyrus asked, stepping forward to take my hand and assist me into the car.

"Oh no, it's ok." I said,

"Well they must be because you've been running through my mind all day," he smirked after finishing it and I knew the concern he had was fake.

"Cyrus, seriously?" I raised my eyebrow at him whilst certainly judging him for choosing a pick up line based on my state.

"I find light even in the darkest of moments, Evelyn, and so should you." I rolled my eyes and sat into the car as soon as I could.

"Everyone buckled in?" Rowan asked, turning on the ignition. I nodded and laid back in the corner, savouring the cool air and comfy seat before having to socialise with people I didn't know.


"I won't leave you alone, ok?" Rowan said, taking my hand and wrapping it around his bicep. He stared down at me lovingly and no matter what happened in the past, I did believe him. Tightening my hold on his arm I looked forward towards the door, implying that I was ready to enter. Hayden and Cyrus advanced towards the door before us which gave me time to set my nerves whilst I stared the gorgeous white house in front of me.

I felt like I had entered an entirely different universe just with the first step into the the magnificently large hallway. People in simple yet elegant dresses and suits were littered around the area, making small talk with their acquaintances or friends even. This type of scenario only happened in movies or dramas, not to me. This wasn't reality but a part of a fantasy that was bound to fly away in a calculated time - a time where I'm the happiest I've ever been thus allowing me to have the heaviest fall.

"Are you okay?" Rowan whispered, his hold on me keeping me sane at all times.

"I'm fine," I smiled to get his concern away from me. He led me to a room he said his parents were bound to be in. Great!

Carry Me HomeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora