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"Angel, I'm sorry," Rowan apologised for the thousandth time. I had been ignoring him since that Sunday evening where he decided to be an idiot, but in my defence he had been ignoring me too. It had been exactly two weeks since the two of us had a proper conversation and Rowan was the only one to blame.

"Angel, please. You don't even know why I punched that asshole," he knelt in front of me and grasped my hand with a tight grip. I sighed in frustration and closed my eyes. He was going to keep on pestering me until I talked to him.

"Why did you punch him then?" I exasperated, my eyes reflecting my annoyance at his interruption in my daily life.

"That's not my secret to tell you but I promise you that I did it for a good reason."

"Fighting fire with fire is never a good thing no matter how amazing your reason was, Rowan. Whatever instinctual feeling you got that made you hit him was a rather foolish one."

"Can you stop be so psychological?" he groaned, rising up from the ground with his fingers combing his wind damaged hair.

"I take Psychology for a reason, Rowan," I said, an unimpressed and bored expression painted on my face. He must've realised that he wasn't winning me over like he had hoped to because soon enough he stepped aside and let me walk away.

I quickly scurried away from him and allowed the warm air of the cafe I entered to envelope me in. I wasn't talking to Rowan for the simple reason being that I was scared of him. I thought he was a guy who just liked to have fun whilst making sure everyone else was having a good time too, but I was wrong. He had a different side to him; and that side terrified me.

Swiftly placing my bag on the floor, I sat down on the empty chair beside me.

"Would you like to order something?" a dull voice, that lacked any sort of excitement, asked.

"Could I have a caramel latte, please?" She nodded, scribbled my order down and went off to see that it was made .

"I see you've come across the local cafe, Evie," the voice that belonged to my room-mate said from behind me. I shifted in my chair to get a better view and asked for her to sit down and keep me company.

"I was in the mood for something warm and sweet," I shrugged. Faye's face had a mysterious expression drawn on it. It looked as if she had a particular motive. She leaned in closer to me as if to tell me a secret that no one else should know.

"I want you to stay away from Rowan and Hayden. Being friends with them is fine but anything more then you'll have to deal with me, Lawson." That was unexpected. It was shocking to hear Faye say that because she was the one who urged me to become good pals with her friends however now it seems like she wanted me to do the exact opposite.

"What's it got to do with you? I'm my own person plus you're leaving in a few weeks anyway, so why does it matter?" I leaned back into my chair, my eyes challenging her to rebuttal me.

"Developed a backbone have we?" She smirked, copying my steps and also leaning back into her chair.

"I don't understand Faye. I thought you liked me?"

"Don't trust words, trust actions. There's nothing I've done to show you that I like you. Tolerate you? Perhaps. But do I like you? Gosh no. You're one of those people who like pity. Coincidentally, I don't like those type of people. You have a way of manipulating people into your clutches and the worst part is school has only been on for two weeks and you've already managed to wrap two innocent boys around your finger." The waitress arrived with my caramel latte and saw the private conversation Faye and I were having so she backed away discreetly. I sipped my beverage, staring at Faye's action from behind the rim of the cup.

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