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"Faye, wake up. Faye. Faye, you have a lecture in an hour. Faye," I shook Faye gently in order to wake her up so that she wasn't late for her first lesson at Ashby. My attempts went down the drain as I got a groan for a response.

"Faye, you'll be late. FAYE!" My gentle approaches weren't getting me anywhere so I had to resort to more extreme measures like pulling her off the bed. She groaned louder this time and whined like a five year old but I had to do it.

I practically pushed her towards the bathroom to get ready whilst I sorted out my bag.

Have a lovely first day, Eve. (Received at 8:01 am)

Aunt Primrose usually woke up at about eight in the morning meaning one of the first, if not the first, things she did was text me good luck. My aunt did a good job at being my substitute mother and Uncle Noah was a nice guy too. Whether or not he was dad material I don't know since my biological dad apparently left Mum shortly after she gave birth to me.

Thanks and I hope you do too. Tell Uncle Noah I say hi. (Sent 8:03 am)

"You look nice and sophisticated for our first day, Evelyn," Faye said, coming out of the bathroom with a white floral dress on and her face looking more lively.

"Thanks, and you do too. So you ready for breakfast?"

On the way down to the hall Faye informed me of her friends who came to Ashby too. There was quite a few surprisingly.

"There's Aubrey, Caleb, Cadence and Hayden. I hope you get along with them because I really like you, platonically of course, and I don't want our roommate time to be filled with awkward silences." One thing I noticed about Faye was when she'd get nervous she started speaking quite fast and her hand gestures increased. I placed my hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.

"It'll be fine. And even if they don't like me we won't have any awkward silences in our room." She nodded and led me to where they were sitting. I recognised Aubrey's red hair so the blonde girl she was sitting next to must've been Cadence.

"Everyone, this is Evelyn my roommate," Faye's introduction caused the boys to pause their thumb wrestle and pay attention to what she was saying, which was me at that moment.

"Morning, Evie! I'm sorry we made you go home by yourself yesterday," Aubrey apologised immediately. Ironically, everytime I saw Aubrey she always seemed to be apologising about something. I waved it off and reassured her that there were no hard feelings. The guy with the floppy dark brown hair stood up and offered me his hand. I hesitantly brought my own hand out to shake his.

"I'm Hayden and welcome to our little group, Evie. You know the pick up line 'did you fall from heaven?', could really work on you as half of your name is Eve. Since Adam and Eve defied God by eating that apple and then were brought down from heaven ... and now I realise I'm not making any sense." I wanted to give a sarcastic remark in reply to his statement but withheld myself since I didn't want to come off as standoffish on my first day.

"Pick up lines don't really have an affect on me," I stated, making Caleb, I assumed, smirk. "Was there something funny in what I said?" I asked, challenging him to speak.

"That's what every girl says, but there's always one pick up line that has them twirling their hair and blushing as bright as a tomato." Cadence whacked him over the head before smiling at me.

"Caleb's a man-whore so don't mind him. Why don't you and I go get some pancakes, Evelyn?" Cadence took a hold of my wrist and softly dragged me to where the breakfast foods were located. Cadence picked up two plates and put a handful of pancakes in each one. A drizzle of maple and chocolate syrup later, she turned around to talk to me.

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