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I was about to get settled into bed when I heard a frantic knock on the door. It obviously couldn't have been Faye since she was at her lecture, and even if it was her she had a key.

I slowly got out of bed and unlocked the door only to see Rowan's grinning face directed towards me.

"Um... hi?" I said, sounding very unsure as to why he was there.

"Hayden wanted to give this back to Faye but the guy's in the shower so the duty has been passed down to me," he explained. I nodded and allowed him to come in. Rowan placed the small box he was holding on Faye's blue bed before turning back to face me. It seemed as if he was about to say something but stopped when he saw my Star Wars pyjamas.

"You like Star Wars?" he asked, looking quite shocked that someone like me would like that film franchise.

"More like love it. Why do you seem so shocked? Should I be offended?"

"No, of course not. It's just that I didn't peg you as a science fiction lover," he shrugged, making himself at home on my bed whilst in the midst of explaining himself.

"Well I don't really classify Star Wars as predominantly science fiction, it's more fantasy to be honest."

"Will you marry me?" My eyes widened at his abrupt statement and I'm pretty sure my cheeks were gradually turning crimson as well.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, well I tried," he took a look at my reaction before throwing his head back and giving out a throaty laugh. "It's just that no other girl has contradicted what I've said about Star Wars whilst also making sense. I'm so glad I bumped into you at Jake's party yesterday, Evelyn, you really do make me laugh. I can already see us becoming the best of friends."

"How wonderful," I commented sarcastically. Rowan didn't seem to understand the concept of sarcasm as he threw his arm around my shoulders as if we were old friends. My head faced the cream coloured carpet and when I lifted my head up I was met with bright green eyes. Suddenly I received a FaceTime request from my aunt.

Pushing Rowan off the bed, I answered the call with a reassuring smile painted on my face.

"Hey, Aunt Primrose," I greeted her loud enough so that Rowan's complaints on the floor were blocked out.

"Evie, what is that awful noise?" I hate you, Rowan.

Rowan immediately shot up and introduced himself to Aunt Primrose.

"That awful noise would be me, Aunt Primrose. I'm Rowan Hastings and I've just proposed to your niece but she hasn't given an answer to me yet," he explained. My aunt surprisingly gave him sympathetic looks.

"Evie's never been much of a boy seeker. She's very quiet and reserved, as you may have noticed, but she has a heart of gold. Trust me on that, Rowan."

"Believe me I do. So I just wanted to ask for your blessing on our marriage," Rowan hastily interlaced our hands together and waited in anticipation for my aunt's approval. Aunt Primrose told Rowan to wait as she had to confer with my uncle before making any decisions regarding my future. Soon after Uncle Noah appeared on the screen.

"Evelyn, you go to university for a day and you already get engaged? How did you win pretty boy over there?" Uncle Noah shook his head in amusement due to the situation that Rowan had concocted.

"Those Star Wars pyjamas just compelled me in. It was like they were telling me that she is the one." I had to give it to him, Rowan was a decent actor. His little act was believable.

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