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Rowan and I were laying in bed after the event and it was safe to say I was exhausted. My head rested against his chest as I listened to his steady, rhythmic heartbeat. Hayden was staying at the hotel Cyrus was at since he hadn't seen his brother in a while and wanted to spend some time together. During the car ride back home I could hear Hayden telling Cyrus about Mason and the fascination that Cyrus listened with was cute. There wasn't a second where he looked bored whilst listening to his younger brother narrate his love life.

"How are you doing?" Rowan whispered, his chin on the top of my head.

"A bit shaken up but overall I'm fine." I replied, leaning further into him. Rowan was warm. Very warm, and that made the contact between the two of us so much more enjoyable and comfortable. Lying here right now made the previous week of despair disappear in a second as if there weren't ever any problems in our relationship.

"You look tired?"

"You sound tired," I turned around as much as I could without hurting my leg and maintained the eye contact he had on me.

"Let's say we're both tired then." He brought his face closer to mine until his lips touched mine. It was a quick kiss but the feeling lingered for a while. Rowan was certainly an impulsive person but at times he was one of the most understanding people you could find, hence why we're in bed doing pretty much nothing but enjoying the silence and each other's presence. "I love you," he whispered, kissing me again but for a long period of time. I craned my head so that I could kiss him better but staying in that position caused pain to shoot up my neck.

"Sometimes there's an enjoyment in not hearing the words 'I love you' back because the way the person reacts to that phrase shows their feelings more than their words could ever express," he explained, his face still dangerously close to mine.

"What a beautiful way to put it," a smile was on its way but I didn't mind. After such a commotion today a little happiness is what everyone needed. His fingers touched the tips of mine as we both just gently played with each other's hands without tightly interlocking them.

Silence was a lovely thing. In silence you could realise who was your friend and who was your foe. The silence surrounding us was serene and not awkward at all - that's how I knew he was someone important to me.


"Happy birthday, Angel!" Rowan yelled in my ear, his voice still rough since he must've recently woke up.

"Let me sleep, Rowan. It's a Saturday!" I groaned, burying my face in a pillow. Rowan placed his finger under my chin and tilted my head up so that I was facing him.

"It's your birthday, so get up."

"Wahoo, I'm halfway to thirty-eight. What a delightful day, now let me sleep." Suddenly I was thrown across his shoulder as he lifted me out of bed. "Remind me to never sleep in the same bed as you again. I've made a big mistake of doing that for the past week."

"Sure, the next time you say you want me to hold you then I'll remind you of this statement." I lifted my eyebrow at Rowan and he did the same. An intense stare-down happened between us and neither of us allowed the other win. That was until Rowan started laughing so hard he almost fell on the floor.

"Why're you dying?" I asked, peering down with a very confused look.

"Never mind. Go get changed and then we have a lot of things to organise today." He placed an outfit in my hand and pushed me towards the bathroom.

Grumbling about how stupid Rowan was being by waking me up, I got changed and made sure I looked a tad bit presentable. I grabbed my denim jacket and straightened it out on me before leaving the bathroom.

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