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"Morning, Evie," Uncle Noah said cheerily through the phone. I stuffed my phone between my cheek and shoulder so that I could carry on sorting out my books.

"Good morning, Uncle Noah. How're you?"

"I'm fine, Evie. Your aunt and I were wondering whether or not you'd like to come visit. Would you be able to?" I paused for a second, contemplating my options for today. I could either stay here and carry on my cleaning session or I could go and enjoy my aunt and uncle's company whilst I ate cookies. Obviously I chose the latter.

"I'd love to. I'll be there in an hour."

"We'll be waiting," with that he ended the phone call, leaving me to decide what I should wear. I scanned my wardrobe to find something adequate and eventually decided that a simple outfit would suffice. I yanked on my ebony jeans, pulled on a loose grey t-shirt - tucking it in to create the outfit I had in my mind. Putting on a denim shirt and leaving it unbuttoned completed my look and all I had to do was tie up my sneakers before heading out.

Stuffing my phone in my pocket and grabbing my car keys, I headed out of my room and following the path towards the car park. From my peripheral vision, I could see Caleb and Rowan conversing between themselves and the slightest turn of Rowan's head indicated that I had to pick up the speed of my walk if I wanted to avoid him for the day.

Rowan wasn't bad - he was very nice - but he had this tendency to be very adamant on you answering his personal questions whether you liked it or not and that was something I didn't like doing. My mum knew that. My aunt knew that. My uncle knew that. Even my psychiatrist knew that.

"Just because you're hurrying away doesn't mean someone's not going to recognise your face, Evie," a very well-known voice said. I shut my eyes and mentally curse myself for not being more sly.

"I wasn't trying to escape, Hayden," I object to his statement, pivoting around to face his blue eyed face.

"Of course you weren't. Where're you going anyway?"

"To my aunt and uncle's house. They were asking for me to come over."

"Well have fun and call if you need anything."

"I will, Hayden. Bye." He waved me off finally letting me disappear from the Ashby campus and into Hollow. The ride was long compared to the one I had when I first came to the university but this time traffic was high. The different coloured lights on the cars were blurring my vision so whilst I was withheld from driving by the red traffic light, I took my glasses case out and put on my black spectacles.

After being able to see much clearer than before I was relieved since the probabilities of me ending up in a car crash because of my lack of sight had reduced. After an hour and a half of driving, I had eventually reached Hollow. Parking my car in the drive way of my aunt and uncle's house, I stepped out taking in all the familiar scenery.

I spotted an acquaintance of my aunt so I smiled at her through politeness and she returned my brief greeting with a nod. I knocked on the mahogany door, awaiting for someone to open it. I used to have a key but I left it back here since I didn't think I'd be needing it. Thinking back on it now I realised that I should've kept it - I'll never know when I might need it.

"Evie, you made it!" Aunt Primrose's cheery voice broke me out of my trance and brought me back to reality. She was wearing her famous flour covered apron and her olive skin had been painted in small areas with what looked like flour again. She must've been busy baking.

"Hey," I said, my usual smile indented on my face. Aunt Primrose moved to the side so that I could come in but grabbed my elbow with a firm grip to keep me from moving even one more step. I glanced at her hand holding my elbow and raised my eyebrow at her, questioning her motives.

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