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I was trying to concentrate on whatever rubbish was on TV right now but my mind kept drifting to Rowan at the hospital during his chemotherapy session. He didn't want me to come because he didn't want me to see him in such a state despite my pleading for him to let me come. 

Cancer truly was a bitch. 

Just as I was about to put the kettle on to make myself a cup of tea to calm myself down I heard the door unlock. I leaned against the wall outside the kitchen and waited for my two flatmates to enter. Rowan was walking steadily but by his body language I knew he was exhausted. Hayden kept his eyes on Rowan the entire time whilst he took his shoes off. 

Rowan looked up and smiled at me before walking over and kissing me briefly.

"Do you want a cup of tea?" I asked, fixing his hair that was all over the place. He nodded and laid down on the sofa. Hayden mouthed for me to also make him a cup of tea as he approached Rowan.

After his sessions Rowan usually fell asleep for a while before waking up as his normal self eventhough both Hayden and I knew he was pretending for our sake. 

"Rowan, here's your tea and, Hayden, yours is on the table," I said, sitting beside Rowan with my own mug.

"Angel, why do you like watching this show so much? I don't understand the obession you have with it," Rowan stated, sipping his tea quietly. 

"I like watching people play it cool when they're actually devastated that the person didn't pick them for a date," I shrugged.

"Wow, Evie, didn't know you were so into people being heartbroken," Hayden laughed, taking his mug into the kitchen. 

Just before the final date was taking place I felt Rowan's head fall onto my shoulder. I turned my head towards him and brushed the stray strands of hair away from his eyes to only see that he was in fact asleep. Seeing him asleep with no painful expression on his face gave the illusion that he had nothing wrong with him eventhough there definitely was. 

I planted a quick kiss on his forehead before lying him down on the sofa. I left him on the sofa and turned the TV off so that he wouldn't wake up. 

"No matter how many times I see him after his sessions I can't get used to his tired and drained self," Hayden suddenly said as I sauntered into the kitchen. I placed both mine and his mug in the sink and turned around to face him. 

"He's pulling through it though. I'm proud of him," I said, leaning into the counter. 

"Have you thought about what the Hastings'f said to you?"

"Nope, and I'm not planning on it either." I said, a sense of authority in my voice. 

"I'm proud of you, my little bunny," Hayden said, ruffling my hair before hugging me. I wrapped my arms around his torso and leaned into his warmth. Everyone deserved a friend like Hayden. Someone who could raise your spirits up during any time where you felt low. "He loves you a lot."

"I love him so much more as each day goes by that's why I don't plan on giving up on what we have."

"You used to hate him, Evie," Hayden laughed, throwing his head back. 

"Hate is a strong word to describe that situation. I only disliked him," I corrected him, laughing back. 

"Sure, Evie, whatever you say," Hayden kissed my forehead and left the kitchen. 

I washed both of our mugs and dried them to pass time due to the silence and boredom that was covering the flat. The atmosphere was always similar to this every time Rowan came back from a chemotherapy session and fell asleep. Hayden and I eventually  adjusted to the silence and didn't find it awkward or uncomfortable anymore, but calming. 

Carry Me HomeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora