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"Evie?" Hayden asked, hastily gulping down his food. Hayden and I were already close before I escaped to my aunt's for a weekend but these past few weeks have made us closer. The best thing about Hayden is that he wouldn't question me randomly and acted normally around me which many people forgot to do. I looked up from my own plate of noodles and nodded, implying for him to carry on with his question. "Why're you and Rowan always in some sort of argument?"

"Because we're awesome," I replied, trying to cheer up the mood but got an unimpressed look from Hayden in return. "Rowan tries his best to help me but I don't want help so whenever I deny his assistance he gets annoyed."

"But he's only trying to help and the only awesome person is me, thank you very much."

"Love the sass, Hayd, but I know and I appreciate his help but sometimes the only thing that can help you is yourself. Now change of subject, what're we doing this weekend?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"I'd like to stay in and watch a movie."

"Seriously," he cocked an eyebrow, not believing what I said.

"Yes, seriously! We could have a Harry Potter marathon. Come on, Hayden, it would be amazing."

"Will there be food as well?"

"Of course there will be. I'll order a pizza, buy some other unhealthy snacks and you can bring the drinks."

"What would you like to drink?"

"Sprite or 7UP or both." He laughed and he shook his head in amusement.

"Cyrus is free this weekend so he was asking if he was allowed to pop by?"

"Ah your flirtatious brother. I don't know, I'm not in the mood of being thrown a whole bunch of pick up lines."

"Oh, really? Since the last time I saw the two of you together you were getting quite intimate. Do I hear wedding bells? Am I going to be upgraded from a best friend to a brother-in-law?" I pushed him away jokingly and shook my head.

"I don't think so."


Despite much objection on my part, Hayden insisted on going out to order the pizzas. Cyrus was due to arrive at any minute so I had to hurry up with the seating arrangements. I set up Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and got the floor ready to be suitable for around twenty hours of movie watching.

Once I heard a knock on the door I stopped organising and quickly unlocked it, desperate for another person to interact with me due to my extreme boredom. As the door opened and Cyrus became clearer the first thing we did was hug. He ruffled my hair and I allowed him to enter inside.

"Did you miss me, Evie?" he asked, tilting his head to the left in an attempt to look cute.

"No, not really."

"No one is going to believe that. How could you even say that? I missed you loads," he exasperated, opening his arms implying for me to step inside them and hug him. I tried to back away only to be chased by the eldest Carter. I jumped on my bed and bounced all over the place in attempts of escaping human contact but it was to no avail. Cyrus pulled me down and before I knew it I was caged between his arms. "Evie, you do realise I'm not letting you go until you hug me back right. Eighteen year olds nowadays have no sense of manners. What has become of this generation?"

I shook my head in amusement at his random comment and put my arms around him. He sighed in relief and let me go, immediately crashing down onto the pillows and blankets placed on the floor.

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