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The rush and stress of university life constantly reminded me of how much I missed living at the Carters'. Thankfully, Faye had returned back to her prestigious art school a day before Hayden and I came back. I have no idea of what would have happened if the two of us had encountered each other.

I skipped breakfast this morning, much to Hayden's dismay since now he had to get his own breakfast instead of sharing mine, and headed towards the library to pick out some new books to keep me busy for the next term.

I sauntered over to the classic section and skimmed my hand over the spines until my gaze locked with a book that I knew I needed to read before I read anything else.

Great Expectations.

I slid it out of the bookshelf only for it to slip out of my grasp. It was about to hit the floor before it was grabbed by a hand. I looked up towards my helper and it was a face I knew very well.

"Hi," he said, scratching the back of his head. I couldn't help but show a small smile at his nervous state. He handed me the book when he realised I wasn't replying and was about to turn away when I mustered up the courage and replied.

"Hey," I whispered loud enough for him to hear. He turned around slowly and met my eyes with his hurting blue ones. We maintained eye contact for probably a brief period of time to anyone watching us, but for me it felt like I was staring at him for centuries. We parted for the half term break while weren't on the best terms and now returning to that same awkward aura really made me want to go back to West London.

"You're back," he said randomly, breaking the strained silence wrapping around us.

"I am."

"How was it?"

"It was lovely. I met Cyrus and he's... indescribable."

"Cyrus acts as if he's on a whole other planet," he laughed quietly at his description of Cyrus before remembering I was standing right in front of him. "How're you?"

"I think we've moved past the stereotypical greeting, Rowan," I gathered up the valour to nudge him playfully with the tip of my index finger, and when he chuckled a warm feeling rapidly spread through my body. Out of the blue I was enveloped into a tight hug by Rowan. I sighed happily when I noticed that he wasn't intending on letting go and I enclasped him as well.

"I've missed you and I'm so sorry for what happened before the holidays," he apologised profusely, his hand dug into my hair.

"It wasn't your fault, I poked you relentlessly until you snapped."

"Should we kiss and make up now?" he winked, making me untangle my arms from his torso.

"I don't think so."

"I was only joking."

I shook my head and walked away, a permanent grin etched on my face. I checked the book out of the library and carried it with me to the canteen where Hayden was eating an omelette, looking very bored.

"Haydie! What's up?" I asked, plopping down beside him and stealing his water bottle.

"I'm so proud of you for learning my tactics on getting free food and drink," he ruffled my hair making me whine.

"You do it so much that it was hard not to learn," I shrugged, twisting the cap of the bottle shut. He mimicked my voice but soon returned to eating again. "You're really hungry, aren't you?"

"Well do the maths, Evie. We had dinner last night at five and then we drove here without food. I slept at nine and woke up at seven meaning I had no food for... fourteen hours. That's more than half a day!" He gasped, shaking his head in disgust.

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