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"Your vitals look fine, Evelyn, and do you need anymore painkillers right now?" Dr Clay asked, taking note of the functions of my internal environment. "What you did was very brave but I'd like to suggest not saving people until your leg and cut is fully healed. Now can you tell me if you feel dizzy at all or have any double vision?"


"Ok, you're free to go. Take these antibiotics after breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'd also suggest not stressing out too much so that your brain isn't under too much pressure."

"Of course, Doctor." She smiled and left the room, handing my prescription to Rowan. Hayden placed a soft hand under my elbow to help me walk with my crutches. However Rowan dashed off without waiting for the two of us - probably to go and start the car.

"Did you guys make up last night?" Hayden asked as we stepped in the warmth of the outside world. I blinked numerously to adjust to the bright sunlight that was beaming down upon us.

"Yeah, we're going to elope tomorrow and get married now."

"I honestly think we should get your head checked, Evie."

"Hayden, promise me something."


"Never mention him again, please."

It was fairly evident on the conflicted views Hayden had with my promise but it was time to move on and I needed Hayden's support to get through it. Who knew a two month relationship could fuck you up this bad?

"Ok, love."

Hayden assisted me into the backseat of the car before sitting in the passenger seat himself. Rowan and Hayden dabbled in light conversation through the course of the journey but I didn't pay attention to what the conversation was centered on. This decision of mine to move on wouldn't happen automatically and it certainly wouldn't be painless, but I had to try and if I didn't succeed the first time then I'd try and try again.

"Evie, do you want to hop on my back so I can lift you upstairs?" Hayden asked as he stepped out to the car.

"I'll take her to her room, Hayden. You can get back to your work," Rowan stated, still not looking in my direction. Hayden was about to intervene but Rowan suddenly bent down and waited for me to climb on his back. I received a cautious look from Hayden but I tentatively wrapped my arms around Rowan's neck and my right leg slid around his waist. He carefully touched my left leg so that he wouldn't hurt me as he rose up.

"If you drop her, Rowan, god save you from my wrath!" Hayden shouted as Rowan approached the dorms.

"I won't!" Rowan shouted back, obviously sounding amused. His touch still caused the blood to rush through my veins and brighten my cheeks. My hands started trembling again but I held on tight enough for Rowan not to feel the shaky movement but there was nothing I could do to prevent him from hearing the pounding of my pulse.

"Why does five days without you feel like five years? What have you done to me, Evelyn?" Rowan whispered. I didn't know whether or not he meant for me to hear but that quiet whisper was a shout in my direction.

"Do you hate me?" I asked in an equally hushed voice.

"I could never hate you."

"You certainly act like it, Rowan," my voice was breaking but I tried my utmost hardest not to let it crumble and reveal all that weakness underneath.

"That's my way of putting up a wall, Evelyn. My way of pretending I'm okay."

"I never imagined that I'd love someone as much as I love you, Rowan, so when I did see you and Avery together I couldn't comprehend what had just happened. I was irrational, I admit that, and Rowan, I do trust you."

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