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"Evie honey, why don't you come and stay with me for a week? I miss you and I'm pretty sure your grandparents miss you too eventhough they won't admit it," Dad said, trying his best to convince me to come over to his place. With Rowan's body rejecting the treatments and him getting weaker I was reluctant to leave him.

"I don't know, Dad," I sighed, casting my eye over Rowan's sleeping body beside me.

"Evie, the space might be good for you. You're worrying yourself sick over Rowan and the negative atmosphere isn't good for either of you. Come stay with me for a week. It won't affect your university attendance either," he pleaded over the phone. 

"Okay," I gave in. "Only for a week though, Dad."

I hung up the phone, shut my laptop and started packing my bag. I put all of my folders full of university textbooks and essays into one bag before focusing on folding my clothes. 

As I was rummaging through my half of the wardrobe Rowan called out my name.

"Angel, what are you doing? he asked, sitting up slowly.

"My dad asked for me to come and stay with him for a week so I'm just packing," I explained, throwing a few shirts onto the bed.

"You're going? What about your classes?"

"I'll still be attending my classes, Row, don't fret," I went over to him and kissed him lightly. "Are you worrying over Elliot?" I asked, causing him to scoff and laugh at my question.

"Trust me, love, I've got nothing to be jealous about. You're mine, not his."

"Cocky, aren't we?" I raised my brow. 

"It's one of my best characteristics, babe," he smirked, before pulling me into him. 

"Elliot only helped me get over you, Rowan. He was a good friend and I still hope he is."

"Evelyn, I told you that I don't care about what happened between you two during our break. You honestly don't need to justify yourself to me." He put his arms around me and sighed into my hair. "I'll miss you sleeping beside me."

"It's only for a week."

"A week is too long," he groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance. 

"You're a grown man who's turning twenty in a month, Rowan. Suck it up." I ruffled his hair before resuming my packing. After zipping up my only suitcase I wheeled it into the living room where Hayden was reading the book I got for this birthday. 

"I see you're reading that again, Hayden," I commented, placing the suitcase beside the door. 

"I like reading the note you wrote inside. 'You're finally twenty, Hayden. On the sixteenth of December my best friend left his teenage years behind him and is now stepping into the adult world officially. Don't lose your immaturity or your childlike mind, Hayd. Be whoever you want and don't let your age define you. Love you." Hayden read out, looking up at me with a smile on his face when he finished. 

"I'm glad you enjoy the note, Hayd."

"I enjoy anything that you give to me, Evie." He then looked towards the suitcase and furrowed his brows. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going to my dad's." I said, about to explain further before being cut off by him. 

"You're not going anywhere, Evelyn Willow Grace Lawson! I don't care about what stupid thing Rowan did but you cannot leave. I do not condone dramatic acts, Evelyn, so I suggest you wheel your little suitcase back into your room." I stood in front of him trying my best to surpress my laughter at how dramatic he was being. 

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