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*This hot piece of meat will be playing Ace, his name is Stephen James ladies*

I remember the first time I saw him, It was like time froze when his eyes locked on mines. He was the 'bad boy' and I was the "nerd", how cliche right, a freshman obsessing over the bad boy with sad eyes. I'm not sure why his eyes were so sad, but I knew I wanted to find out. I was always a curious person, one of these days my curiosity was going to get me kill.I remember walking up to him, noticing how his hand fist together, his body tense. I had this insane urge to touch him, it felt like my body was not mined and it was being controlled by this greater force. My hand itch to crease his face with my small fingers. To tell him, you do not have to be sad anymore, but instead, I said... 'hi'.  He just stared at me, like I've gone mad. Gosh, I'm so fucking stupid. Why would he even talk to me?  Ace did not talk to anyone. He kept to himself, hidden in his shield of isolation. I swallowed down my tears, with my dignity still intact I turned to walk away. My feet moved on its own and my body followed suit. I was stopped in my tracks by the sound of his deep raspy voice."Hi', he cautiously replied.And that's how I Aiden, became friends with the bad boy name Ace.

1 year later...

Ace what's going on, you're bleeding", I cried out getting no response."you have 2 minutes to tell me what the fuck happened or else", He and I knew my words were nothing but empty threats.

"Aiden",  Ace deep voice spoke. He sounded so defeated. He needed me, he needed my reassurance, my affection and I didn't hesitate to give it to him. My arms automatically wrapped around his neck pulling him closer to me. His hand searches it way around my small waist, tightening his grip as he hugged my body closer to him. I could feel his tears on my shoulder as he silently cried, his body shaking every few seconds.His hands felt like ice on my burning body, his touch vacated permanent chills in my mind.

The way he was holding on to me, it was like he'd never been loved. Like he has never been sheltered. I could hear the sound of his heart beating...It was going so fast, so fucking fast. It broke my heart to see how desperate he was to hold on, how frantic he was when he thought I was going to pull away. I tighten my grip around his neck to reassure him I was not going anywhere. There was always something so alluring about him, so mysteries.

Ace had you wondering, second-guessing every time you encounter his presence. His eyes were so dull, filled with loneliness. It was like you could feel his pain just by looking in his eye's. How could someone so young and innocent hold so many scars. He wasn't much older than me, but he lived through a lifetime of pain. No one saw how broken he was, how hungry he was for affection for shelter...for love. They didn't question his old behavior, all they saw when they look at him was a pretty face, a bad boy. But fuck sake he was more than that, so much more. I just knew I had to save him.I Gently pulled away from him, as he tries to desperately hold on. I give him a reassuring smile reaching for the corner of his shirt to pull it over his head. His chest was now bare to me where he hides his many bruises and scars. I grab his hand leading him to the bathroom so I could clean up the cut on his busted lip. He didn't look too bad compared to other nights. It didn't take long to clean him up. We headed back to my room where he discarded the last of his clothes before climbing into my bed. As soon as we got comfortable underneath the covers Ace hand was placed around my waist, snuggling his body closer to mine. It was like...he couldn't get close enough.

"I'm sorry Ace, I'm sorry I didn't save you", I whisper in his ears, getting the same response every night."You did more than save give me hope", Ace whisper, drifting silently to sleep.

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