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** chapter is dedicated to JOANTELLE for giving me this lovely idea for a new chapter.

First of all omg 2.8k read 134 likes omg I'm so grateful and happy to have loyal readers, who continue to support my book and vote.  and to everyone who takes the time to read my story. This means so much to me. Thank you so much.


My eyes flutter open to reveal the darkness that surrounded me. I never been so scared in my life. Can you guess what i'm afraid of. Yep the freaking dark. 

I'm so going to kill ace for leaving me here by myself.

I quickly jump out of the bed and hurriedly turn the light switch on, almost tripping on something. Once the light was now surrounding me as everything was brighten up, I started to feel more relax. I wonder where Ace and Alex where, before I could go look for than, I had to clean up our room first. My slight O.C.D wouldn't let me leave the place dirty. I began to pick up Alex scatter toys putting them in the chest Ace bought the day after we moved in. It been 3 weeks since we been living here and I'm forever grateful for Ace.

Once the room was clean enough to my liking I open the bedroom. Upond opening the door the sound of Alex crying and yelling had me flying down the steps, What the fuck was going on.

"You fucking piece of shit". Lisa yelled slapping Ace in the face. "Waking me up from my sleep, this isn't a fucking day care", once again she threw another punch this time at his stomach, knocking the air right out of him. Hearing him cry out in pain unfroze me from my spot.

I couldn't watch this any longer I literally jump down the last few steps and tackled his stepmother to the ground. She roughly pushed me of of her. I crawled backwards before standing up. I didn't want her to catch me off guard.

"Leave him alone you evil bitch", I yelled trying to push her again. This lady was made out of bricks because she wouldn't move. She pushed my hands off of her, before raising her hand and slapping me hard enough to knock me down.

Aiden was laying on the floor holding his stomach struggling to breathe his mouth bleeding. The sight infront of me distracted me for a bit, the tears freely fell from my burning eyes.

My head was spinning and I wasn't quick enough to pull Alex away when he picked up his toy and hit her leg with it. She turned around ready to attack. From the corner of my eye's I could see Aiden dad coming through the door. His body frozen as he stare at Lisa mouth open in shock as she pushed Alex down.

"Lisa, what's in the word is going on in here", Ace dad boom rushing to Lisa side.

"Baby thank god you're home, these kids are trying to hurt each other" she said faking to be scared as she wrap her hand around kevin neck.

I managed to get up and walk to my little brother who was on the floor ready to burst into tears. I picked him up aiding to Ace. struggling to pick him up off the floor with Alex in my hand.

"Or you going to help me or just stand there and watch", I yelled at Kevin. "Can't you see your son struggling to breathe and it's all her fault she did this, she beats him", I continued to yell pointing my fingers at Lisa.

"He's lying", she was quick to say. "I'm scared kevin". This lady is such a actor.

"Aiden why would you tell such a lie". Kevin warn.

"It's the fucking truth, Ace tell him, please". I begged him. I was on my knees in front of him.

"Sometime you have to be selfish and live for you", I whisper in his ears. He looked up at me than at Alex who was attached to my side. "Please Ace this has to end now."

"Okay", he choked out the tears falling from his eyes just as fast as mines.

"It's the truth dad", Ace said picking himself up with me and Alex help.

"What's the truth Ace", Kevin said removing Lisa from his side.

"Lisa beats me, this isn't her first time", Ace says looking his dad in the eyes. I grab his hand giving it a squeeze.

"Son I don't understand, Lisa wouldn't do that", his dad says in denial.

"It's the truth dad, it been going on since you guys got married, I was afraid to tell you" Ace said taking off his shirt to exposed his bruises.

The gasp that left Kevin mouth could be heard everywhere.

"Why didn't you tell me", the tears was falling from kevin

"Because, you were so happy dad, I didn't want to take that away from you"

"That wasn't your responsibility Ace, your safety comes before anything" his dad yelled turning to the witch herself. "And where do you think your going", he pulled her wrist hard yanking her back. With his other hand he pull out his phone dialing the police.

"You have no proof just your words Against mine", she yelled trying to yank her hand free.

"Actual we do have proof, you see I had a feeling that you were the one hitting Ace so I set up cameras around the house to catch you in the act. And we have 3 witness me Alex and Kevin, your ass is going down, bitch", her mouth fell open as I went to removed the cameras.

'Thank you", Ace whisper in my ears, Once the cameras were safely in his hands.

"Your welcome." I was just glad this mess was finally over.


After everything was settle, Lisa was found guilty and Ace was released from the hospital, I thought it would be best to go home for a bit. I wanted to give Ace and his dad sometime to there self. Ace wasn't happy about me leaving but once I reassured him I will only be gone for a few days he finally decide to allow me to leave.

I pack a small bag for me and Alex, giving Ace a goodbye kiss and promising to call him before I placed alex and myself in the car to leave.

I pulled up to our old house grabbing me and Alex stuff from the car. Once the car door was lock I took a deep breath holding Alex's hand as we walk towards the door. Before I could pull my keys out the door was yanked open. To say I was shock would be a understatement. I couldn't believe who I was seeing.

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