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*Kerry Washignton* is  going to be playing the part of Aiden mom.Aiden

I didn't know the devil was only a phone call away. I wasn't mentally prepared for the destruction she was going to leave behind.

My hands tremble as I struggle to remember the number I've dialed so many times. My brain just couldn't seen to focus on the simple task.

Fuck, I yelled in my head, tears streaming down my cheeks like little rain drops.

After 5 attempt I finally seen to remember the last digits that made up Ace phone number.

Note to self put his number on speed dial.

"Pick up, pick up", I repeat in my head, like those very words had special power, and if I said them enough it would speed up the process and Ace would magically pick up his phone.

I just needed him to pick up. And as if god himself had hear my silent prayer, the ringing sound stop and Ace deep voice vibrated through the phone like a sweet melody.  

"Hello, I'm walking from the parking lot right no-"

"NO! FUCK just wait for me okay, don't move I'm coming right now"

"Aiden what's wrong, you're making me nervous", I could hear the concern dripping from his voice like liquid honey.

"I'm coming", was my final goodbye before my feet was moving on it's, own as if I was in a race against time.

I kept running until I was outside the building and heading straight to the public parking lot. I never been more happy to see Ace car than I was in this moment.

"Ace I yelled running the rest of the way to him.

"Aiden, are you fine are you hurt", he asked holding onto me with one hand, and using the other to examine me from head to toe.

"Daddy", Alex yelled opening his arms so I could pick him up.

"He's been asking for you all day", Ace said kissing my forehead

"I miss you all day", Alex said stretching the word "all".

"I miss you too baby, now we're going to go home okay", I said trying to get pass Ace.

"We just got here", he said confusion written all over his face.

"I know and now we're leaving", I said trying to get out of his hold.

"I'm not letting you go, until you tell me what's going on", He hold nothing but determination in his voice. "If you're still scared Aiden Baby, it okay, you're going to do amaz-". I didn't let him finish because I was starting to lose patients.

"I don't care about the stupid art show, That's not why we need to go", I yelled making Ace losing his grip on me.

" them what?", he sounded lost and defeated.   

"Me", the sound of my mother voice shook me to the core.

I didn't get the opportunity to turn around before Ace was pulling me and Alex behind him. I Was confuse as to why he did that, until I saw what my mother had in her hand.

"Just do as I say and no one get's hurt", she spoke staring straight at me. Her stare was uncomfortable and freighting.  She had a gun in her hands, she looked as if she really wanted to use It. I unconsciously tighten my grip on Alex.

"I'm scared", he whispered in my ear.

"It's going to be okay", I whisper back to him, praying he would calm down.

"Just put the gun down, no one needs to get hurt", Ace spoke trying to level with her.

"No, I'm not putting down this gun until I get my fucking son back", she yelled. When did she turn into this monster.

"You're not taking him". I yelled from behind Ace

"Shut up, you little slut. He's mine fucking son", she yelled, veins popping out of her forehead.

"Everyone calm down, let's settle this like adults", Ace butt in trying to calm everyone down.

"No too late for that now", she yelled pointing her gun at Ace.

My heart was beating out of my chest, my whole body shivering. I could feel an anxiety attack coming. I had to calm myself down and think logically.

My phone, I can use this opportunity to call the police. I quickly remove it from my back pocket secretively dialing 911.

"911, how can we help you", the operator spoke on the phone.

"I need help, please. My mom has a gun and I think she's going to shot", I whisper praying to god that I didn't get caught.

"Okay, sir can you please give us the address.", she asked.

"Ummm... where at 40982 highway 41, Oakhurst, hurry, please".

"Get out of my way or I'm going to shot you", my mother yelled making me drop my phone, shit.

Thank god she didn't seem to notice.

"Just try to calm dow-"

"No you stupid bitch, get the fuck out off way now", her hands were moving the gun from Alex to me. "You know what, how about I shot him", she laugh keeping the gun pointed at me.

" Aiden get in the car now", Aiden yelled at me.

"If he moves I shot", she said shaking the gun in her hand, at me.

"MOM", Alex yelled "You're scaring me", he said hugging me tighter.

"Look at what you're doing. Please mom, please just go away", I cried moving closer to the car.

"You won't shoot him if you love Alex. you won't risk him getting hurt", Ace said slowly reaching for the gun. "Just give it to me, we can forget this ever happen."

Considering the fact that she was distracted for a second I turn around walking quickly to Ace car.

"No", she yelled before the gun went off and a loud bang rang through my ears, like church bells on Sunday mornings.

Who do you  gays think got shot?

do you think anyone is going to die?

who's your favorite character?


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